Advice Needed

So I have had an account on here for years but have only posted once.  I had some general questions.

First let me tell you what I have.

Wadia 850 CD (Although I am having to send that out to get the drawer fixed.  It glitched about a week ago)
Levinson No 331

While the Wadia is getting repaired I am using a little Adcom  GTP-450 Pre-amp and a Cambridge Audio D500 Special Edition.

Von Schwekert VR3

I am wondering whether I should go with a pre-amp once the Wadia gets back?  I always just used the built-in and ran straight to the Mark Levinson.  If it makes sense to go with a separate pre-amp should I look for another Levinson piece?

I also have a pair of Usher Audio CP-6311 that I could use instead of the VR3.  Anyone have any experience or opinions about this setup?

I tend to listen to stuff like Alison Krauss, Mark Knopfler and other accoustic recordings.

Any advice would be appreciated.
the only thing might be if the Wadia's gain was digital and cut into the bit depth

I doubt that Wadia would do that tho (common in cheaper units)
+1 @randy-11, digital gain will typically truncate bit depth at lower levels, likely the use of a preamp to attenuate gain will yield better details especially with the music the OP prefers.
Thank guys,

I think I do recognize that even while just my little Adcom preamp is hooked up.

Another question, is there a a good online resource for picking interconnects. I have had a pair of audioquest XLRs for the straight CD and Amp setup. Wondering if Levinson or Wadia have suggestions for what they like to use.