Leather couch, leather love seat or single wooden chair

In an ongoing effort, I'm trying to get the best sound in my room-aren't we all:)  I'm curious to know what most of you have as your listening chair.  I started out with a 3 seat couch, went to a 2 seater and now am using a single chair.  Back in the war of 1812, my left arm was damaged, so I have to get 2 men and a boy to move these items out of my room.  Because there's a time lapse, it's hard for me to tell which is the best.  My wife votes for the two seater, but neither of us gets to sit in the sweet spot.  Please give me your experiences and recommendations.  I would love to make the two seater work.  Maybe we can sit on top of each other:) 
+1 on @tomcarr suggestion on Fabric and 3-seater.
Leather will bounce the sound waves.
3-seater - on days you listen alone, you can be right in the sweet spot. But try to get a petite size fabric sofa than a full sized one.
Padded seating will distort and deaden sound. From a sonic perspective a wooden bench would be best. But listening also needs to be comfortable to be enjoyed.
I used to sit on a firm cushion on the floor- that is the only way I could really enjoy listening to my Vandersteen 5a's.
Couch on 1 side, loveseat on the other and my stressless in the money spot.  Sometimes I’ll give it up to somebody else, but I am the one choosing the equipment because it’s important to me.  The rest of my family would be happy with Bose or even less.
Stickley leather
i aimed the Vandersteen using the laser at both spots
she gets TV w Sonos in another room