Reference disc player...UDP 205 or Marantz?

Hey guys....
I've decided to take the plunge, and get my last reference disc player--at least for a very long time--and I'm looking for opinions on the subject.
I really wanted to get the Marantz SA-14S1, it sounds fantastic for sure, but I started to read all the glowing reviews on the Oppo UDP-205. Is it just hype, or the real thing? Is the Oppo really that rare piece of equipment that punches that far above its price? Who here has listened to the oppo and/or the Marantz? How do they compare? 

This is the best choice. I've owned a number of "mid-fi" CD  players and the Oppo 105 beats them all, including the Cambridge Audio 840C; and it wasn't even close for me. The Oppo was much better across the board. I have not heard the 205 yet but have read it is supposed to be a bit better. Please also realize that none of these players mentioned are reference.

I've heard the Marantz  SA-14S1. Though the word reference is used in the title, it is in no way reference. I have not heard the Marantz in my system, but it was pretty uninspiring in the Marten/Luxman system I auditioned it in a few months ago. The Marantz house sound, to me, is smooth but rolled off; no shimmer, sparkle, snap. Not for me. I've had two or three Marantz players; as a side note, all had to have the disc mechanism replaced.
@tomcarr, boneman, and pokey....

Interesting. Good comments, thanks for that. I like a warm sound, good midrange, but not rolled off highs. The Oppo sound might appeal to me after all, especially with my speakers. 

What the heck? I can always return it! I will report back, but I think I will take the plunge.
I re-read my comment and I'm afraid it may have come off as snarky! Not meant to be!!  Disclaimer: I own the -205 and love it! 
Looking forward to learning about what you hear, and what you decide to keep.

@boneman73, I love my 103 and have considered the 105, now the 205. Are you able to give me any advice on the sound quality improvement?
Thank you,
