Anyone have experience with the Tung Sol 7581a vs. EL34, KT66, KT88, 6L6

I broke down and added another power tube (Tung Sol 7581a) to my collection.  That can get expensive as my Primaluna Dialogue HP Premium integrated has 8 power tubes.   

Why has this tube escaped me thus far?  Why is it not more popular?   Many folks don't sell this reissue tube.  

I think this is a great deal.  I was torn between the lush, thick midrange of the EL34 and the more evenly spread out sound of the KT88.  But the KT88, for all its more correct behavior didn't romance me like an EL34.  

The 7581a from Tung Sol can be had cheap and I really like them.  [I'll spare you all the audiophile terms].  They check the boxes that I was looking for. 

Does anyone have experience, information or knowledge about this splendid tube?  

PS  The next experiment is KT150s but I can't see doing it if I'm gonna lose any of that great EL34 midrange. 
A week or so later. Bass has got really good. Razor sharp. Depth and air have opened up. Highs fine. Midband fine if lacking a little sweetness (color; coloration?) Overall, very neutral, fast and clean. I will swap back my old reference 6L6 black plates to compare and report back.


I agree!  I wish the 7581a could mate with an EL34 and have offspring.  The 7581a is near perfect for me--I just want a touch more of the EL34 midrange syrup. 

I’m with you on the TS7581A’s. I use them in my Dennis Had Inspire Fire Bottle PSE amp with excellent results. All the attributes you already mentioned apply in my system as well. I’ve also swapped in the GLKT66’s which sound good as well. The KT66’s offer up a bit more air and a touch wider soundstage but in turn the bass is looser and the highs are a touch less defined.

I like the sparkle and bass that the 7581A’s have!
Follow up on this. I tried putting the old Raytheons back in and it was no contest. Existing attributes have consolidated initial impressions and any tiny lack of midband sweetness now seems like a more neutral clarity, if you know what I mean. Tung Sol 7581a are keepers for the moment.