About to purchase the Kef LS50W speaker want opinions about set up....

I recently heard the KEF LS50 Wirless speakers and can’t  believe how good they sound. I am looking for a system in my bedroom. My question is, I hear that the kef app is really bad and not worth using, since I have all my music on my computer in Flac, Will the Kef play it? Would I need to purchase an additional streamer, like the bluesound Node 2?

As a KEF dealer,  here is our scoop on this question.

1: The app isn't great but it isn't bad it just lacks the kind of user gui that better devices such as the NAD Blue Sound have.

So I would just use the LS 50W as it is for now.

2: What is exciting is that in a software up-grade which is comming which will make the LS 50W a Roon endpoint and you don't need to add any additional hardware. 

Once you  have experienced Roon there is nothing like it.  

So I would just purchase a set and just wait until the update goes live.

The LS 50W are terrific and for a Bedroom they are perfect we have our demo set with an excellent Athom based subwoofer and the package for roughly $3,200.00 just rocks. 

We do recommend getting a good set of stands and bringing them out further into the room then just putting them on a shelf.

If you are using them on a shelf then get a set of Isoacoustics footers or an Isoacoustic monitor craddle for dramatically better sound. 

If we can be of any futher assistance just reach out via PM.

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ

Thanks For your feedback. I guess I will wait patiently for the update “hopefully it will come out before the holiday.” 

However, I would still like to hear how others have their Kef’s setup! 
I use these in my bedroom paired with an SVS SB13 Ultra subwoofer.  Frankly, it is one of the simplest, best sounding 2.1 systems I have ever heard.  They amaze me every single time.  The software just went through a major update and it is much better now.  Streaming Spotify and Tidal are a breeze.  I have hooked them up to my computer as well, amazing sound again.

Gripes if you will.  No way of knowing (outside of the App) how loud you are playing these speakers.  There will come a time when they will scare the hell out of you by being too loud.  You can't see what input you are in from eye level, especially when laying in bed.  

All that being said, I would 100% recommend these speakers to anyone.  They are that good.  
Agree with the Isoacoustic monitor stands. I use them for my desktop running passive LS50 speakers.

I forgot the LS50W will be a ROON endpoint. That solves the software issue you have if you buy ROON.

My interest is peaked with these speakers. Seriously considering these to get back into audio. I've been gone for way too long!
Thanks OP for posting this thread!