
Discussions matt00 has started

Are these streams being replaced... node 2i, and PS 256013
Kef LS150 Wireless...11191
Looking for a tube Preamp new or used for under $2000...1119850
Best Power cable around/prefer under $300....1299942
Help!! Trying to get Kef LS50 wireless to play nice with Sony Hap-Z1es....11747
Help w/ properly hooking up my ML grotto sub....10115
Looking at AQ NRG-Y3 for parasound A21 amp....95174
How to properly hook-up a Martin Logan Grotto sub to Parasound pre P5? With vandy 2sig....27135
About to purchase the Kef LS50W speaker want opinions about set up....1135329
Mytek Brooklyn Dac \ Parasound A21 Amp...31481
Sony Hapz1es or blue sound.......1037417
Looking for music streamer/server...Is a Macbook Pro better than a Sony Hap Z....1065316
What to buy....Auralic Aries, Sony Hap-ZES, or Auralic Altair?737610
What's needed with my Macbook Pro to stream music like they do at HI-FI shows?30719
Looking for NEW amp...would a Bryston 3Bsst output more power than a Krell 400xi amp?508918