PrimaLuna Dialogue Premium Preamplifier. DESTROYS SPEAKERS!!

A few months ago, bought TWO of the above mentioned preamps. ( I have 2 stereo systems)
Within 6 weeks of the purchase, the power supply of my speakers burns out!
I purchase and replace the power supply.
Three days later, the second newly replaced power supply is burnt out!
After much investigative work and heartache, I discover that the Pre amp is the problem.
It is defective and puts out DC. which burns out speakers.
After, testing the second unit, I find that it is defective as well, EXACTLY the same problem.
I return the units to my dealer, who returns them to Prima Lune.

I received a phone call from a Mr. Kevin Deal, big cheese at PrimaLuna.
Told me that the capacitors, on BOTH units had failed and the units were putting out DC.
He even THANKED me, for being a guinea pig, and discovering the flaw in his units.

He offered me a pair of tubes, as "compensation" for my troubles!! What a joker!!

WOW, a pair of tubes for blowing my $30,000. speakers!!

The height of arrogance and total disregard for the consumer of his product.
To all audiophiles, do yourself a favour, STAY AWAY for this brand, unless you want your speakers cooked.

TOTAL lack of quality control, MADE IN CHINA junk, what more needs to be said.

Mr. Deal, WAKE UP, and STOP selling defective products!!

If, you are using PrimaLuna, and your speakers fail, check the amp or pre amp.


Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
The original amplifier used with the PrimaLuna pre amp was a Pass XA-30.8. The PrimaLuna had a leaking capacitor that passed DC to the power amp, with sad results.

I have a Pass X250.8 and for a while was running my Berkeley DAC directly into it.  I asked Pass Labs about this and they confirmed my amp is direct coupled and will pass any DC presented at the input to the speaker.   I was also told their XP-10 preamp (which I also had at the time) was cap coupled and would eliminate any DC from reaching the amp.   I ended up going with a preamp in my system...
Hi Guys

For clarity, this is not a large coupling cap that failed in George's preamp.  It's a high-frequency snubber, which is why the suspicion about outside causes.  We've never had that failure ever, but to ensure there is no issue I am contacting every customer to see if it is a recurring theme. If there is an issue, it will be handled to perfection, and I've spent hours on the phone with customers who universally are ecstatic with their PrimaLuna's.  

The engineer that designed this preamp is no rookie, and was Chief Engineer at Goldmund in Switzerland.  He was responsible for designing some of their most iconic products.  And that's why it rocks people's worlds.  The amount of time and attention given to any problem...including this one... is equal to the engineering that has set PrimaLuna apart from other brands.  That's why you see features and protection circuits in PrimaLuna that you don't see elsewhere.  Hence our credo "Built to last a lifetime".  

I'd also like to say that this thread has in fact resulted .. at least in two more of these preamps being sold today alone.  I'm convinced they will work perfectly...and if they don't I'm sure the buyers will report!  
For clarity, this is not a large coupling cap that failed in George's preamp.  It's a high-frequency snubber, which is why the suspicion about outside causes.  

So...the amp got DC not through the coupling cap but through some shunting circuit between signal and ground???

This makes even less sense. I don't doubt you, @upscaleaudio  I'm just more and more confused. If a snubber failed... I'd more expect HF oscillation to occur, which definitely could be damaging. << shrug >> but without seeing some sort of design, I certainly cannot be an arm-chair critic. I'm just expressing my cross eyed lack of understanding.
