Best Bang For The Buck I've Ever Spent

Recently installed the Primacoustic London 12 acoustic panel kit purchased from Sweetwater.
Install couldn't have been easier, just a few hours.
Made sure to cover all first reflection points front wall/ceiling/side walls/rear wall.
Less than $800.00, free shipping, no tax, delivered to my home.
Have a dedicated listening room, a dedicated AC line, and have spent many hours on speaker and listening seat positions.
The packaging from Primacoustic was first-rate.
The service from Sweetwater was too.
The difference in resolution was startling.
FWIW, IMO, before anyone spends $ on another piece of gear, spend it on sound treatments.
I'm sure glad I did.
Happy listening...


One more thing about the Trans-Fi is that it allows the anal-retentive to really get really into nervosa. The flat, parallel sides of the wand allow one to align the cartridge very close to perfect tangentiality; I recently achieved 3 minutes of arc, based on setting parallelism to better than 0.001 inches.

My cartridges really seem to blossom with this level of precision. Yours may too.
Original Japanese promo records from seventies and early eighties. It's as if you'd just upgraded your entire system. Played with the same arm and cartridge, of course. Forget the fancy arms and cartridges to begin with - get the recordings in the best quality available. Yup, master tape dubs would be better, this is second best.
It was either the Shure V15 RS I bought new from Radio Shack in 1985, I think for less than a replacement stylus for the V15 III I was using; or an Oppo DV-980h I bought in 2015 for $85 shipping included just to see if I'd like SACDs. Turns out I do! DVD-A, too; and a few of the CDs I already owned had HDCD layers and I never noticed.
I still have 2 V15 RSs and use them a lot. The DV-980h has been moved to my den system and replaced by a BDP-95 in the main system.