Hegel vs Rogue

I am looking to upgrade my system and am debating whether to go one of two routes:

A) Hegel H160 w/ Schiit Mani phono stage
B) Rogue Sphinx v2. w/ DAC (approx $1000-1500)

I like the power and DAC/Airplay options of the Hegel, but wonder if the Rogue paired with the right DAC would give a warmer more robust sound thanks to its tube-hybrid design. Any thoughts?

Would welcome all thoughts/suggestions, as well as good DAC pairings with the Rogue Sphinx in the $1000-$1500 range.

Not sure it is in your budget, but I would recommend the new Hegel H360. . If you would like better control of bass response, this amp provides high damping and a very good DAC. They are available used for very reasonable price given the performance and build quality of this amp. Good luck.
Not specifically related to the OP's question/topic, but fwiw, just purchased a Hegel cdp4a CD player and find it eminently enjoyable.  My first experience with the brand.  Excellent build quality, very organic, almost analog sounding. Captivating!   I prefer it to other players I've owned: Audiomeca, Marantz, NAD, 
Jungson. Great sounding product.  

I spent time auditioning the hegel h160 vs the h360 on spendor speakers and I liked the 160 a lot. I did not hear in that room in that system over two visits a difference to go for the 360. If you were doing maggies or other power hungry speakers perhaps it would make a difference but I could not hear it. 
I had the Sphinx V.1 for a short while and was not a big fan. Sounded 2 dimensional and kinda weak on my system. I think the preamp section is pretty good though. I hooked up my old Odyssey amp to the preout and it sounded damn good.
Always wanted to hear a Hegel.  
For those interested, I ended up purchasing a Hegel H160 paired with a LFD LE Phono Stage. The increase in musicality, power, and clarity is quite impressive.

Overall I am very happy with the Hegel, both as an amp and as a DAC. The convenience of streaming via Apple Airplay is effortless, and the quality is still head and shoulders over my previous Rotel integrated. As expected, the DAC performs much better when wired via USB or Optical with a nice wide soundstage. For vinyl, I am currently only using the LFD LE in its MM mode, and look forward to trying out a high output MC cartridge in the future.

Would be interested to know if other Hegel owners have speaker suggestions that they feel pair nicely with this brand? I am currently using Tekton Lore’s and am quite happy for the time being. I am eyeing either Zu Audio or Devore Fidelity as a future speaker upgrade, but that’s a ways off. Any and all thoughts/suggestions welcome. Thanks!