Hegel vs Rogue

I am looking to upgrade my system and am debating whether to go one of two routes:

A) Hegel H160 w/ Schiit Mani phono stage
B) Rogue Sphinx v2. w/ DAC (approx $1000-1500)

I like the power and DAC/Airplay options of the Hegel, but wonder if the Rogue paired with the right DAC would give a warmer more robust sound thanks to its tube-hybrid design. Any thoughts?

Would welcome all thoughts/suggestions, as well as good DAC pairings with the Rogue Sphinx in the $1000-$1500 range.


Showing 1 response by mofojo

I had the Sphinx V.1 for a short while and was not a big fan. Sounded 2 dimensional and kinda weak on my system. I think the preamp section is pretty good though. I hooked up my old Odyssey amp to the preout and it sounded damn good.
Always wanted to hear a Hegel.