Audio repair in Houston Texas area?

I am looking for a good audio tech/repair in the Houston Texas area and have come across Bammel on Walters road, has anyone used them or can you refer me to someone you have used and would use again?
Having recently moved to Texas (and loving it), I was surprised at how thin audio is on the ground here. Even in the road equipment area, it seems more retail, a la Guitar Center, or equipment rental than old repair facilities. High end stuff- even thinner. I did find a guy who is old school, knows tube amps (in fact, that may be all he works on) right in South Congress area of Austin, but I doubt you are going to haul all the way here. Happy to give you his name: Jack at Audiotech Austin. He put my piece of gear on the bench when I was there to see if he could find the problem and he did, in about two seconds. Of course, fixing it took a little longer, but good guy. I have a few instrument amps that need work, I may just get him to do it, even though he may not be the "authorized" tech for the brand. He’s pretty good with old McI for what it’s worth. Welcome to use my name, ’bill hart’ if you call him.

If you are going to ship, I used Bill Thalmann for various work in Virginia- first class operation, reasonable prices. Bill knows me as well-- he just finished helping me restore a pair of old Quad II amps, a McI 110z tuner-preamp and did the Krebs upgrade to my old SP-10 table, got it re-plinthed, etc. Nice guy to boot.
You could try to reach out to Albert, who is in Dallas and ask him if there is anybody near Houston. Albert Porter has been here forever. I’m new, and am still finding my way.

@dlcockrum --are you in the Austin area? 

Thanks all for the info, although I had success with Saves on Sound it was not a confidence inspiring dealing of such. I got a real good feel from John at Bammel off 1960 and 45 talking to him on the phone and he seems to be an enthusiast of high end audio. Will post my feelings of doing business with them after I get my issue addressed and fixed, wish me luck.
Bammel TV is the place to go. Authorized Marantz and McIntosh repair center and been in business since the 70's. Had work done a couple times with no issues.
Awesome info. Thanks all, especially tooblue for starting this thread.

Great thinking re: Albert Porter, whart. Just spoke with him yesterday. Shoulda asked about that...

I am in Katy. My thought was that the challenge of actually lifting my sick amp (180 lbs) to and from the car, necessary for repair anywhere, is the tough part to conquer and the drive, whether to the other side of Houston or to Austin is of smaller comparative consequence ;)


First let me thank ricpan for the vote of confidence for Bammel, second dlcockrum if you need help to wrestle your amp to the shop, drop me a line and I will be glad to help you get that done, I have a dolly and a pick up and third, welcome to Texas whart.