Sgt.Pepper special on PBS

If you like the Beatles ,this is a must watch! Great stuff, check your local listings for a repeat of this show!!
Great insight on the Beatles’ creative process. The exploration of the unique sounds created by diverse instruments helped me remember that it took several listenings to get comfortable with this album. I just wasn’t ready for the revolutionary change this album introduced. This program increased my appreciation for all the effort that went into making Sgt Pepper’s LHCB.
Ditto. Great show. The explanations about the creative and technical decisions John and Paul made were interesting and enlightening.

Also, the Grateful Dead documentary, Long Strange Trip, is now streaming on Amazon Prime in six segments.

Fantastic! The best sections are where the host sits at a piano, explaining the technical construction of the songs. There is a video on You Tube of a musical theorist sitting at a piano, explaining and demonstrating the construction of Brian Wilson’s 1965 song, "God Only Knows".

My only beef is with the hosts assertion that what Lennon and (especially) McCartney were doing musically was heretofore unheard of in Pop music. Brian Wilson had been using Classically-informed compositional techniques in his songwriting for two years before the Sgt. Pepper album. McCartneys rapid growth as a songwriter and bassist (the use of inversion, in particular) was in fact the result of hearing the Beach Boys 1965 Pet Sounds album, a record the existence and significance of which the host ignores, not citing it as a source of some of the musical ideas and techniques found in the Sgt. Pepper album. They can be traced directly back to Pet Sounds, which McCartney has unashamedly acknowledged.

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