Class D is just Dandy!

I thought it was time we had a pro- Class D thread. There's plenty of threads about comparisons, or detractors of Class D.

That's fine, you don't have to like Class D amps, and if you don't please go participate on one of those threads.

For those of us who are very happy and excited about having musical, capable amps that we can afford to keep on 24/7 and don't require large spaces to put them in, this thread is for you.

Please share your experiences with class D amps!
and not the usual negatives.
Some love them some don’t, and on a forum this is where it should be discussed, not limited to just the "pro sector" usually from owners, but the negatives also from those who’ve listened/owned but don’t like their sound, and then technically the reasons why this maybe the case.

and class d does it for me,not looking for class a or tube amps anymore.
That’s good, if you believe you’ve reach your holly grail with the Class-D.
I’m still waiting for it to mature with future advances in technology that are coming, as Technics have started in very expensive limited supply. Then we’ll all be happy Class-D campers.

I see it a bit like the first hard sounding brickwall filtered CD players, which I also didn’t like, took a while but the newer technology especially in filtering and I/V conversion now makes great music, even with using those same old d/a chips, of that era with pcm redbook replay.

Cheers George
@georgehifi whatever dude, you're just a hater, get out of here.

Just kidding. You've proven yourself to be a topnotch human in this thread. We know you're not enamored with current class d and you've very respectfully and clearly outlined why based on theory and experience. So I can respect that and do. 

What I find annoying are the people bashing class d (or anything, really) without having given it a listen. Don't speak on what you don't know. If only Mr President would follow that advice..
I have looked at at the technics,very interesting,now we need other designers too go in that direction and evolve.

I had one of the very first technics CD players in 1983,touting perfect sound forever,I now have a ps direct stream.Look how far digital has evolved but it has taken a long time.With me it's not about the money,I can buy just about anything I want,If I like it I will Buy it.A good example of me is auditioning a set of demo magico q3 at a dealer with money in hand but I really wasn't that impressed because they really didn't better what I currently own in speakers.

Basically there is a lot of hype in this industry and I really don't have time for it,I just want too everyday enjoy the music.
My most recent purchase is a set of tekton double impacts,I get them next wed.I read about them and then I called Eric and asked a few questions that he quickly answered which sold me instantly to purchase.I respect his talents as a speaker designer and I will see if I like them or not.I know he makes some very bold statements about his speakers and has even gotten a patient for his design.


Class d amplification is just "DANDY".
Thank You for starting this thread.
