Harmonic Resolution Systems (HRS) Platforms


I am having trouble justifying another $7,000 for the lowest priced HRS frame, to accommodate my expensive M3x Harmonic Resolution Systems platforms.......around $2,500 each. 

While I understand that the frame and the platforms work as a "system," I currently place the M3x platforms and nimbus couplers, on a low-cost salamander rack......with decent results.

Has anyone had good results using HRS platforms on a high quality solid wood rack......walnut for example?

This would save me about $4,000 if it works.

Thanks in advance for the advice.




I think you can build your own rack to perform at least as well as anything some "dude with no engineering knowledge" will sell you.

Sharp points on the feet might come in handy.

Hi Lalitk,

Thank you for the excellent feedback. I assumed that Core was similar to Box Furniture.....I did not realize that Core was an isolation solution.

If I like the Core rack, and can sell the M3x HRS platforms, I'll save some cash overall. As you know, that doesn't happen to often in the hobby.

I'll try to find a local dealer and further explore.


Hi Labpro,

I am also dealing with the never ending isolation question, and to your direct inquiry, have been using HRS platforms sucessfully on a Music Tools Alica stand (somewhat similar to the Burmester stand; looks like some kind of MDF composite, but the technology description is somewhat vague).  This was an improvement over a Salamander Synergy rack with the HRS paltforms I was using as a band aid measure while I was waiting to move into my new house.  

In general, I have found that that the HRS platforms work well on any fairly rigid stands, including solid maple (never tried walnut); the one experiment that did not work well was putting them on a Finite Elements Pagode Master Reference rack - much better without the HRS on it (possibly the experience was similar to your use of "resonating" racks). With that said, they have certain "flavor" that is distinct from competing isolation components, such as Grand Prix Audio and Finite Elemente.

As to some comments on the Core Audio Designs racks, I am a huge fan of Arnold (a true gentleman) and his products, and currectly use his diffusors in my system.  With that said, I am not sure that replacing your HRS components with the Core Audio Designs racks will get you what you are looking for - however, they may work together synergistically.  I suggest you give them a call to see what they have to say.

Best of luck,

Hi Labro,

One other comment - if you play a lot of vinyl, instead of putting $7k into the HRS rack, please take a look at using one of the active vibration isolation tables out there (such as Accurion, Herzan, etc) under your table - it will be a much better use of your funds.

Hi Rzado,

Thank you for the feedback....much appreciated!

I will look into Accurion and Herzan.

A dealer friend of mine sell racks from a company called HiFi Racks Ltd, out of the UK. Family owned and been in business for about 9 years I believe.

They have a rack called the Podium Reference......won a couple awards. I can get a custom hardwood rack with spikes separating each tier, for about $2,500. I would use my HRS platforms instead of buying their wood platforms.

It's a bit of a gamble, but at $2,500 it might be worth a shot. 

I'll get back to you and others to let everyone know how this turns out.

Thank you all!!!!!!!!!!!!!
