Best SSP - Upgrade from Integra DTC 9.8

Am wrestling through some issues with a (second) Integra DTC 9.8. Looking for opinions on potential replacements.
It feeds a Classe' CA-5200, which drives B&W 802Ds, center and surrounds. Pioneer Elite 9G for video.

Used fair amount for music, also movies and TV.

I care about quality, want high performance and reliability. Thought Integra was a bargain for its features. Not sure it is my problem, but my guess is it will have to go.

I have heard the ML only at show demos and found it impressive although that was to be expected. I have not auditioned it at home.

Kal, would love u to review it? Anything else comes to mind? Great for 2 channel analogue preamp (super DAC not necessary as I already have one) + good for movies multi channel, hopefully can do the new high resolution HD 5.1 audio DA conversion, and hopefully room correction options...? Anyone have a good recommendation? Can be more expensive than the Integra, Denon stuff (which I am not belittling),.....I know the Audio Rsch multichannel analogue preamp is a viable option, leaving the processing to be done within the blu ray player but not sure plus dont want to have all those cables.....
Also thought home theatre bypass is an option, but then that's another box which I wld prefer to avoid....can't we have a do it all?
Henryhk wrote: "hopefully can do the new high resolution HD 5.1 audio DA conversion." Nope.

Hey Kal, have u checked out the new Denon AVP A1HDC1? Looks like quite a juggernaut!