Focal Aria 936 vs 926 bass response

I am looking at a couple of Focal Aria speakers in the same model line, and trying to decide on which will work best in my room. The listening area is 14 x 25 x 8.5, but it opens up into another room of the same size (open concept with a half wall between them). Listening distance is 8-9 feet. I have listened to the 936 and liked it, but am a little concerned that it could be too much bass for my room. Also, I have very limited placement options where these are going. My dealer does not have the 926 in stock so I have not listened to it; I assume it will sound very similar to the 936, but with less bass, so I’m wondering if I can get away with the 926. The 926 is also a little smaller so it has better WAF. There is a return policy at the dealer but ideally I’d like to make the right choice initially.

The frequency response of the speakers is as follows. How much bass will I be missing in practical terms between the two? I know the replies may well be “nobody can tell until you get them into YOUR room” but I thought I’d throw it out for comment anyway.

Focal Aria 936:
Frequency response: (+/- 3dB) 39Hz - 28kHz
Low frequency point: 6 dB 32Hz
Sensitivity: (2.83V / 1m) 92dB
Nominal impedance: 8 Ohms

Focal Aria 926:
Frequency response: (+/- 3dB) 45Hz - 28kHz
Low frequency point: 6 dB 37Hz
Sensitivity: (2.83V / 1m) 91.5dB
Nominal impedance: 8 Ohms
Eh, I wouldn't fool with the 926.  Although Focal claims -3dB at 45Hz, sometimes these companies are a bit optimistic.  Also, with the room open to the other room, that is a lot of air to pressurize.  And you also lose a bass driver with the 926.
braudio7 - I am not sure how to quantify "appreciable", but I was willing to upgrade based on my listening impressions.  My decision was also influenced by the price ($1,200 for a virtually brand new pair). 

My music taste are fairly broad, but mostly Chicago blues,  classic rock and contemporary jazz.
Both are outstanding.  The 936 in some way benefits the most from the fact that it's a taller speaker.  It sounds "larger" and even more "real" because of it.  Especially because the tweeters and mids do SO well off axis in this series. 

Get either of them, you will be very happy.

When you get them, make sure you don't toe them in too much at all, as it is completely unnecessary. 
Thanks everyone for the responses. Any considerations for the listening distance? On their website Focal recommends 10-12 feet for the 936, and I am around 8-9 feet. My room is fairly large but the speakers are on the long wall.
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