The demise of the music CD inevitable?


Back on campus, my senior year. Everywhere I look, its all earbuds and cell phones streaming audio. None of my friends would even consider purchasing a CD! I as well almost completely stopped purchasing CD's now that I have lossless streaming from TIDAL. It seems that SQ is not an issue anymore for this generation, its content that is most important and there is no loss of it out there in the streaming world.
I've grown up in a round world.
Round dials to call someone.
Round records to play.
Round platters to adjust.
Round tires to drive on.
Round trips to take. 
Round CDs to play.
Why change a good thing?
It works very well and until someone comes up with a way 'round music servers and their like so that it's as simple as spinning 'round, I'll stick to my round CDs.

All the best,

Disc rot is nonsense.  My earliest CDs from the mid 80s all play just fine.  Vinyl rot--that's a different story.

Just purchased a 2TB WD Passport external HD for the purpose of ripping my favorite CD's to it and to store Hi-Res downloads. My future exposure to CD's will most likely be from the library which has a large selection and they are of course free to listen to. Still, the CD is old technology compared to Hi-Res purchased downloads from an SQ standpoint. This configuration will allow my music collection to be portable and takes no space. I do have one exception however, and that is SACD. A really good SACD recording sounds fantastic on my SACD player, there are some SACD's that sound worse than a quality recording on CD, so you are kind of rolling the dice with this format. And speaking of SACD, I think it is already a niche format and sadly may have an early demise, sooner than that of the CD.
Before you rip to the new drive be careful how you format your hard drive if you plan to ever use it with MAC, Windows, or BOTH. A painful lesson if you don't pay attention. 

If you get an Oppo 103 or 105 or certain Sony Playstation models, you can rip files from SACD to your hard drive. Cheers,