Tell Us about an Album That Took a Long Time to Grow on You

I'd love to hear about records you own that left you cold or disappointed when you first heard them but really grew on you with time. I'll give two examples.
The first is Paul Simon's collaboration with Brian Eno from 2006 entitled "Surprise." I really, really disliked it at first – so much of it felt to me like noise. But over time, I came to appreciate it.
The second is Donald Fagen's "Sunken Condos." I am such a huge fan of him and Steely Dan that I was shocked by how little affection I felt for that record when I first heard it. Now, the better part of two years later, there are songs on the album that I can't get enough of. Strange how this happens…
Your examples?
Believe it or not, Wish You Were Here. It was The Wall which opened my ears to (now) my all-time-favorite band. Go figure!
Roger Waters, Radio KAOS. The more I listened, the more I heard, the more I appreciated. 
@gsm18439 Yes, Rhythm Of The Saints. There's a lot of deep beauty in those songs and arrangements, but they don't reveal their treasures immediately. And those lyrics... wow.

"The open palm of desire wants everything
It wants soil as soft as summer
And the strength to push like spring."

Good golly, who else writes lyrics like that?  ;-)
John Cale's Paris 1919 album took a few listens to appreciate what a great album it is. I had his earlier albums and it was quite a departure from