Fair price for a Yamaha RX-V1

I would like an opinion or two on what might be a good asking price for a Yamaha RX-V1 HT Receiver (in pristine condition with original owner's manual, shipping container, etc.).  All functions work perfectly. My goal is to upgrade to a more modern 5- or 7-channel receiver that offers the current audio processing capabilities and room equalization.  I believe the RX-V1 was top-of-the-the-line for Yamaha when it was current.  (I would like to receive a good price for the unit, but want to price it fairly enough to be attractive -- perhaps to an enthusiast just getting into home theater.)  THANKS.   

WOW!  ...but I guess not that surprising.  THANKS, all.  Good, consistent input.  Given its condition and its past performance, I took an "educated guess" a couple days ago and placed it at $490 (as I recall), which apparently is a little on the high side.  

In looking around for an upgrade, and focused on sound quality and a good room equalization system, it looks to me like the current 500- and 700 series Anthem units look really good.  (I am a two-channel guy but have a separate stereo system located in another room). I currently have an OPPO 83 deck for Blu Ray playback. Given all that, can you offer any recommendations/opinions? 

Whether you are into home theater or 2-channel, be sure you get one with HDMI output. That way it works with current video options. Personally, I would only buy separate components, which are easier to upgrade, but if you elect to buy another receiver, I recommend a McIntosh or Marantz. At some point, you may want to upgrade again and resale is considerably better with those two brands. 
If it looks nu, gift-package it to your close friend or relative.
 These units depreciate every day so one or few weeks later you might be somewhere bellow $99.