Which integrated amp would you pick?

Musical Fidelity M6 or Parasound Halo? Any thoughts would be very much appreciated. 

Parasound Halo, genius John Curl design, which gets backed up with great review and bench test on Stereophile, also has a built in ESS Saber DAC if your into DSD.


Cheers George

krelldog - what speakers is the integrated going to drive? what is the source?
can't choose an integrated amp in a vaccuum.....
Currently the speakers are PSB B/25's....although I'm also upgrading these also. I'm looking for a mini monitor under 1500. I'm considering Martin Logan Motion 35XT's. The source is digital files on my laptop through a Musical Fidelity V-90 DAC. This is a second system that I tend to use the most. I'll probably upgrade the DAC down the road also. Although the Parasound Integrated is supposed to have a really good DAC. 

Like yourself, I use my second system the most.  I am running a Parasound Halo Integrated, Golden Ear Triton 2 speakers, Sony HAPZ1ES Media Server, Cambridge Audio CXC CD Transport (for those round shiny silver things), a Magnum Dynalab MD90 Tuner all plugged into s Shunyata outlets.  I use a Furutech TP-80  Conditioner  and a mishmash of 2 Shunyata Diamondback Platinum Power  Cords, some Pangea AC14 cords and a Furutech cord.  My speaker cables and interconnects are Groneberg Quattro Reference, Digital cable is a Wireworld Starlight 7.

I get a truly wonderful and satisfying sound on this system which is about 75% cheaper than my main system.  Previously to using the Halo Integrated, I was using a Rogue Cronus Magnum Integrated.  Although I am truly a tube guy, I like the Halo Way better.  The built in dac is excellent as I run the CD transport through it.  I am extremely satisfied with the Parasound Halo, and I absolutely LOVE having Bass and Treble controls.  It really helps those unplayable cd's become enjoyable.

I have no experience with the Musical Fidelity amp, but the dac in the Parasound Halo is light years better than the Musical Fidelity V-90 dac.