What's the most overrated or overpriced piece of equipment you own, have owned or come by?

This hobby of ours is extremely rewarding, but can also be very expensive. I don't mind paying the big bucks (if I can afford it) for better sound. But many companies out there take advantage of us poor bastards and sell us snake oil equipment at exorbitant prices. Well...This is your chance to share with other Audiogonners.

This is your chance to GET EVEN :-)
Lots of nice post here, very interesting. I can really agree with Mitch4T. I started this game in mid 80’s with a much lower income. Over the years I’ve been disappointed with a lot of the so called Giant Killer products but that’s where we go when the funds a low. Once my disposal income reached a little higher level, I’ve been real happy with my buys. Of course, the education I have received along way helped.
This one is easy...I bought one of the Carver "The Receiver" and I ended up counting the hours until that thing sold in the newspaper classifieds.  It literally sounded awful.   I don't think there was anything mechanically wrong with it, it just turned my Infinity speakers into echoing soup cans, and not due to an impedance or power-requirement mismatch. 

The shame is, I’m sure Carver makes lots of great gear (I assume?) but after that purchase I’ve never been able to go back to that brand.
The worst purchase I ever made was before I even had a system that could be considered high end. It was 1984 (or so) that I decided those newfangled CD players thingies had come down enough in price to warrant buying one.  I read every issue of the known bible (Stereo Review) I could find that talked about CD players, and finally decided on a $400 Onkyo player with the heavily marketed "Opto Coupling" between the digital and analog sections. Brought it home, hooked it up, and immediately went through a whole roll of Bounty sopping up the blood pouring from my ears.  I didn't know about things like break-in back then, but even that wouldn't have helped this player.  Took it back to the store and told them it was defective.  With no questions asked, they took it back and ordered a replacement.  When that arrived, I took it home only to experience the same unlistenable dreck.  The store had never really offered any money-back guarantees, but they were good enough to take back the 2nd player and give me store credit for the full purchase price. 

I didn't even look at another CD player for over 5 years....