Elevating subwoofer about two feet off the floor

Acoustic Sciences Corp recommends elevating the subwoofer about 2' off the floor http://www.acousticsciences.com/products/subtrap

see photo in link above ... has anyone tried raising their subs that high off the floor? Did it sound better?
It was all I could do to move my pair of JL Audio F113V2's around at all, interesting concept, elevating subs.  The JL Audio's and Velodyne's all have microphones and EQ routines, to "tune" them to the room (I imagine also taking into account the reflections off the floor).  I don't see why one of these wouldn't "tune" properly if elevated.

In my case the room had all sorts of "non-musical" resonances, after installing ten bass traps (with the help of a calibration microphone, and the Room EQ Wizard software) I finally got the subs "dialed in" to the room.

Bass traps are not for everyone...have a very low WAF rating...
i have 2 JL subs. they sounded far more integrated w the mains (magicos) when i elevated them 3" off the floor by way of maple stand.

improved further when i ditched their stock soft feet for cone footers. 

i leave it to armchair theorists to disagree w/ my experience. floor boundaries good for more bass, but less integration w/ mains.
Glad to know I'm not the only one who hears a benefit from raising the subs.  
I have my 2 JLs on Auralex subdude stands. They are inexpensive and work very well. Bass became more defined and propulsive.