pros and cons: beryllium vs ribbon tweeters in sound and emotions terms

After a lot of searching and reading on web, there are some forums and documents where you can learn and understand the differences between this two, and basically you can conclude the ribbon are better; but in terms of sound or musicality (basically nothing on web), how they differ? which one is more involving, natural, emotional if you can say? so you can spend hours of listening AND having a realistic 3D sound experience at the same time without adding any character?
Would appreciate comments from people that have actually heard both and some brands/ models recommendations from each type.
Thanks for the comments
Folded ribbons (AMT's) are smoother and seem to be 'effortless' in their response to my tin ears.  They're also high in SAF, as it's been noted that the f/m of our species seem to respond better to them.
In my experience, you can listen longer and louder to them.  The planar ribbons tend towards a 'crisper' quality, reminding moi' of the metallic dome tweets. I can hear a dome a mile away; I'm not a fan...
MHO, it's bound up with the choice of the radiating material.  Paper, plastics, metals, all have different 'voices' in their harmonics, given that there seems to be only slight differences in construction of late. (OK...void your warranty, open up that pretty enclosure, and tell me what you see lurking in there.  It's like detergent...there's only a few ways to make it Economically.  All else becomes 'solvents'...)
..and I'll vote with Mapman (Hi, guy! *G*) on Walsh's.  'Course, I'm horribly biased on this, since I'm DIY'ing them for my own bemusement.  I've toyed with the idea of mating a pair of small AMT's rotated 90 degrees to each other atop a Walsh just for grins to maintain the 'omni factor'...
There is the issue of women being attracted to the folded ribbon sound to the point of distraction…when I want to seriously listen to something I don’t need to play doorman and kick all these women out of there….a nuisance, and hard to explain to my wife..."It’s the tweeters…really." To otherwise respond to a ridiculous subject the answer to which is clearly the speaker designer’s implementation relative to the listener’s preference (did I just leave out a comma?…maybe not), as a generalization I can (and now will) say I like tweeters with protection from probing fingers (my current aluminum/magnesium tweeters have little screens, or they'd be toast already)…I was looking at some Magicos recently and thought my 50 grand or whatever better include beryllium tweeter poke insurance. Amusement indeed.
Hmmm....Wolf, if I had regular visits from people I suspected might be 'serial speaker pokers', or even a new one that might suffer from that same 'mental disturbance'....

I'd keep a pair of poultry shears in plain sight.  Perhaps next to your units, and very obvious.  Wait for the inevitable question:

"What are those for?"

The LOOK you will get will be, as is said, Priceless.
The Magnepan ribbon tweeters on the 3 or 20 series completely blow out all small dome tweeters in terms of sound or musicality IMO!

For best musicality, frequency response to 40kHz is a must.
The specially doped berrylium tweeter which is paired with a rear facing ribbons ambience tweeter in the new Von Schweikert VR55 yields the best treble that I have ever heard - fast, subtle, detailed, dynamic and absolutely no peakiness, overemphasis, edginess or harshness.