When rap came out 30 years ago I thought it was just a fad

Now it seems like it dominates the music industry, movies and fashion. My only question is why?

Hmmm, to summarize RAP isn't music (rhythm and poetry), boring, demeaning to many including women, and you don't need any musical talent.  Only Dr. Seuss lyrics required.
"Some of you are horrible people"

Actually the people on this website are pretty civil. If you want to see horrible people check out some of the other audio related websites. I won't mention any names here but it will not take you to long to figure out who I am talking about.

Great topic.

Bob Dylan's "Like A Rolling Stone" is a rap song.  IMO

I don't "get" a lot of rap music. Yet when I think about it, there's plenty of rock, jazz, pop, and classical music I don't "get" either.  Rap isn't the music I'd put on when I've invited an attractive lovely into my mancave but when I need a dose of courage or fortitude to kick start my mojo, rap can work quite nicely. 

To each his own I guess.

"When Rap came out 30 years ago I thought it was just a fad."
Wishful thinking.
most rap has less than 5 letters in the words now. I'm an old school hiphop head. big daddy kane, rakim etc. Groups like whodini were the first rap group to record in dolby stereos in europe. it had the best wordplay and beats. A tribe Called quest had a movie that michael rappaport produced. They mixed jazz with hip hop. Guru did jazzmztazz.Those were great rappers. This OOH OOH OOH crap is not it for me please dont lumo now with my rap era