When rap came out 30 years ago I thought it was just a fad

Now it seems like it dominates the music industry, movies and fashion. My only question is why?


Showing 28 responses by taters

There is a big difference to me. Jazz has lasted in a small niche way and I am happy for that. I don't remember it dominating fashion or the movie or music business like Rap has. So I ask the same question I asked before. Why?

Rap caters to the lowest common denominator. Just like the Jerry Springer show and the Kardashians. And I despise all 3.
My question to you is. Were they thugs before rap or did rap make them thugs?

"We had our time now it's theirs"

I understood what you are saying and I agree with you. The problem is it is just not a phase like other music. It has taken over our society like a terminal disease. You can't go see a movie nowadays that Isn't playing rap in the movie or at the end of a movie. Even the mainstream department stores carry hip hop clothing. You even see rap-hip hop themes in commercials. Yes, everyone has their turn and I understand that. The problem is the rap culture is like a relative that has overstayed there visit. 

I appreciate all the interesting comments on this thread. When someone said that 95% of the rappers can't play an Instrument that really summed it up for me. Rap to me is like Porn. It's the easiest way to get your 15 minutes of fame.

I am not a Bon jovi fan by any means. But I would rather listen to him than rap any day of the week.
"Some of you are horrible people"

Actually the people on this website are pretty civil. If you want to see horrible people check out some of the other audio related websites. I won't mention any names here but it will not take you to long to figure out who I am talking about.


At the time I was working for a licensed rock merchandising company. Everyone that worked at that company thought Rap was  a fad including the principal of the firm.

"Dumbing down of music for the younger generation"

That is a really sad comment. Unfortunately you are so right.

I think the roots would make a great funk band. I hate when they do rap songs!

"They are the Intelligent side of hip hop"

Now that was hysterical! Thanks for the laughs.


I have never heard anyone make that analogy before but it makes sense to me. Nice work.

I am into a lot more than rock and roll. I love good music in general. Whether it's Classical, Blues, Jazz, Folk, etc, etc. I think Tostadosunidos summed it up the best when he called Rap performance art. 


I don't care what rappers have to say. I don't waste my time listening to uneducated people that talk about degrading woman.

"The fact that rap has sold well for 30 years doesn't convince me that it is music"

A man that has common sense! Thank you.

At this point we all know that Rap Isn't a fad. It's more like a chronic disease that we can't get rid of.

I have made this comment a few times in this thread. Rap, whether you like it or not is irrelevant. The biggest problem I have with it is the way it contributes to the dumbing down of America. It's bad enough we have shows like Jerry Springer and the Kardashians.

For being an Industrialized country we are ranked around #37 in education. It would be bad enough if the music was the whole problem. But it is not. The rap-hip hop culture dominates fashion now. It is also the sound track in a lot of movies. I notice a lot of young people speak street slang nowadays. It is an accepted way of communicating. ( Am I am not just talking inner city youth)

The bottom line here is that the rap culture has done very little good in this society. Since it has been around our country's English skills have fallen. Our respect for woman is the lowest I have ever seen in my lifetime. The respect for people in general is down.

Sure it has helped some people get rich and kept some others from going to prison. But the negative effects definitely out weigh the positive.


You are so right about performers like B.B. King and James Brown having class. Like you said you just don't see any class with these rappers or hip-hop performers. I guess that is another thing that really turns me off to that genre. 

"The reason rap has survived is because it sells"

Just because it sells doesn't make it good. Bose and McDonald's also sell and both are total crap.

"I will keep enjoying my crappy music on my high-end system"

That sounds like an oxymoron to me.

"Old audiophiles crack me up" 

Laugh all you want about us old audiophiles. But remember one Important thing. Without us old audiophiles there would be no high-end audio Industry. Most of the serious audio websites are made up of older people that have been doing this for years. When you go to audiophile shows it is mostly older guys with gray hair. The magazines on Audio cater to an older crowd. 

I'm sure when us baby boomers are dead and buried there will be no high-end audio Industry anymore. But it won't really matter to you since rap and hip hop don't require a high end system anyway. 

"Yup even if you don't want to listen to rap nowadays it's almost unavoidable like it or not"

And that is what I have been trying to say this whole time. Thanks for making it more clear.


I have news for you. This is one of the more reputable sights. At least it not run by gorts or Nazi's.


As usual you're comments are right on. It's nice to see someone with some common sense. Thanks again.