B&W 'New' 800 Series

I've reviewed the TAS Factory Tour and the 802 D3 details and am impressed with all improvements; and the common sense used.
I also find the new styling very intelligent related to dispersion. Comments?
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If I may address rtilden's question, My experience is that room acoustics are the biggest factor that affects details of soundstage and imaging like how much is in front or back of speakers.

Equipment matters as well but most good quality equipment set up well should be capable of excellent soundstage and imaging. But you have to take the dispersion characteristics of the speakers and room acoustics into account.

Rooms that more acoustically lively to the front of the speakers and especially behind the listener will tend to shift the soundstage more forward all things considered.

So I think the answer lies mostly with room acoustics. Also speakers that deliver most or all their energy forwards rather than to the rear will also most likely tend to deliver a more forward sounding SS.
Thanks, Mapman. Your reply is very good, and my experience is similar. I have heard both different speakers and different speaker cables make a difference in soundstage presentation, but I think your response is what I was looking for.
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I recall Bo1972 was previously using and proclaiming the excellence of Onkyo and Integra preamp processors as being the holy grail in achieving his '3D' sound objectives.