Newbie Question on Selecting USB Output

My main system is non-computer based, but I'm thinking of connecting a relatively inexpensive USB-DAC and comparable speakers to an office computer. My question is, does merely connecting the USB-DAC to the USB output jack on the computer cause the computer generated signal to go to the USB port or do I have to change computer settings to bypass the computer's sound card? And if I have to change a setting, does it involve merely clicking on a different choice or will I have to install something?

I'm using a Dell PC running Windows 7.

Thanks for any help you can provide.
Yes, you need to select the USB-DAC as your output. The PC will recognize the device but will not choose it automatically. Undoubtedly, there will be instructions included with the DAC.
You have to tell the PC to use USB for audio out, but its very simple.

You may have to install drivers, but it depends on the DAC. Some you do, some you don't.
I'm running 7 on several pc's. When I hook up a DAC, the PC recognizes it automatically. My main pc will even disable the 1/8" speaker jack when I plug in a DAC. I guess it depends on your soundcard?
Thanks to all for your answers.

I can connect the DAC and see what happens, but I will be prepared to select the USB port. Also, I definitely will ask the seller of a DAC if a driver has to be installed.

I have hardly any experience setting up computers, but I'm assuming that if a driver is required, it will be specific to the particular DAC unit and be included with it, and not be some sort of generic driver for DACs in general that I buy separately. Is that correct?