Newbie Question on Selecting USB Output

My main system is non-computer based, but I'm thinking of connecting a relatively inexpensive USB-DAC and comparable speakers to an office computer. My question is, does merely connecting the USB-DAC to the USB output jack on the computer cause the computer generated signal to go to the USB port or do I have to change computer settings to bypass the computer's sound card? And if I have to change a setting, does it involve merely clicking on a different choice or will I have to install something?

I'm using a Dell PC running Windows 7.

Thanks for any help you can provide.

Showing 1 response by dougmc

Thanks to all for your answers.

I can connect the DAC and see what happens, but I will be prepared to select the USB port. Also, I definitely will ask the seller of a DAC if a driver has to be installed.

I have hardly any experience setting up computers, but I'm assuming that if a driver is required, it will be specific to the particular DAC unit and be included with it, and not be some sort of generic driver for DACs in general that I buy separately. Is that correct?