Artists that use the same song structure... different songs.

I've noticed it before. More recently, it was hard to ignore while listening to SRV "I'm Cryin'" all the while I was thinking "Pride & Joy". Thoughts?

It does seem beneath him.
"Phasecorrect, I agree--good is good and bad is bad, regardless of whether it's primitive, complicated or somewhere in between. Of course, it's subjective and there are no absolutes in this matter."

What a contradiction.

All bluegrass songs to me sound same regardless. I've been vendor selling records at bluegrass festivals and was able to sing one song during another song played on stage easily. Had lotsa fun making fun, otherwise would be definitely bored to death standing and listening to that squicky fiddle...

Mark Knophler "Nottinghillbillies" project with mix of classic country and bluegrass actually impressed me.

Another candidate of same song structure or would rather say same music structure is Phillip Glass. Most of his music based on typical minor arpeggios.
Czarivey, trust me, it takes genuine talent to play bluegrass well. I don't care for most of the modern examples of it but I respect the musicianship.
You can also sing Folsom Prison over the changes to Pinball Wizard, and vice versa, but that doesn't diminish the value of either song IMO.
Not a fan of Phillip Glass, but at least he's repeating himself intentionally to achieve a certain effect.
Anyway on the bluegrass the new vocal people mostly don't ring my bell (I like Tim O'Brien) but the instrumentalists such as Sam Bush, Tony Rice and Jerry Douglass are phenomenal musicians. It takes real skill to do what they do. Try it some time.
Completely agree with Tostados re bluegrass. The playing by some of those guys (and gals) can be fantastic sometimes, in an earthier way than other genres. Some of those bands swing their asses off. As far as the song structures go, as usual, until one delves into the music one doesn't really get it. I had that experience recently with a friend who is a classical clarinetist and an accomplished Irish traditional music player (on the clarinet!l!). Not until I gave the music more than a causal listen did I understand just how much "there" is there.

Btw, anyone who is quick to give avant-garde short shrift, give this a listen: