Artists that use the same song structure... different songs.

I've noticed it before. More recently, it was hard to ignore while listening to SRV "I'm Cryin'" all the while I was thinking "Pride & Joy". Thoughts?

It does seem beneath him.

Showing 5 responses by czarivey

Bdp, Sorry my wrong: Bluegrass has 2 types of songs: in minor and in major the rest is same.
Contemporary Country is similar in lyrics:
She's bad bcoz she left me and I feel blue
He's bad bcoz he left me and I feel blue

All bluegrass songs to me sound same regardless. I've been vendor selling records at bluegrass festivals and was able to sing one song during another song played on stage easily. Had lotsa fun making fun, otherwise would be definitely bored to death standing and listening to that squicky fiddle...

Mark Knophler "Nottinghillbillies" project with mix of classic country and bluegrass actually impressed me.

Another candidate of same song structure or would rather say same music structure is Phillip Glass. Most of his music based on typical minor arpeggios.
I can only listen to Doc Watson. He was phenomenal and skillful. That's as far as my bluegrass tastes are going.

No matter how good they are for example Ricky Scaggs could not listen for more than few minutes or one song than change the record as soon as the next one starts playing with same rhythm and same bass and same structure.