Modular Room-w/in-a Room HT? Think's a good idea?

Quite simply, what do YOU all think about the idea of a "Modular Room within a room system" for isolating dedicated AV/theater rooms/spaces within a home space/room as an concept?!?
Having personally done some custom dedicated sound isolated rooms and construction techniques applications on my own systems over the years , there's really been only those options, and then just sticking gear and treatments/fixtures in a room and call it a home theater, that most of us would ever consider(?). But while I've see some mostly industrial or pro audio type(?) products that pertain to modular room systems, for sound isolation (and or just isolated separate easy to assemble spaces within existing spaces/structures/warehouse/commercial space products,), I don't think there's anything directed specifically for the home theater market.

see bellow links for the concept that I'm refering to:

What do you think? Great idea? Or would no one want this kind of product/concept to install in a room in their home for isolating their HT room (within a room)??!
Seems to me this would be a great and somewhat temporary, easily assemble-able/disassemble-able, yet high quality way to do an isolated sound room in your own home, that could also provide acoustically treated integrated walls, integrate other wiring, lighting, HVAC(?) and equipment?! I just think the idea has merit.
Think the masses of music/AV/HT consumers buy into this kind of product? I just think it would sell if it was marketed as such.

Hello Soix,
I think the Quietrock site may be of interest to you as well. (I have zero interest in the company,commenting for knowledge sharing only. No offense intended to those who don't wish to learn)
Thanks Ptss. I actually ran across that site a couple years ago when I was researching this so I'm familiar with the product. Looks like a good product, but I'm not sure what it gets you over just bonding two sheets of drywall together with Green Glue other than saving some time. Estimating it would be 2 to 4 times more expensive to use Quietrock, but might be worth it if it offers significant benefits and saves time on a project.
Simply email respected well known professional acoustical engineers (Anthony grammani, Russ Herschelmann, Richard Rives ,etc) who've been engineering n designing all level of custom theaters for couple of decades now, n and ask em " green glue sandwich drywall vs quietrock?"
Again, im betting no more or less than a decibel or so difference, all things considered. Can't be anything more than another drywall option better than standard at best. Kinda like rockwool vs fiberglass in a stud cavity.
No argument on that. (Sorry :) .But I do agree isolation and room treatment is great. ATB, Pete