How much am I missing with SL1200 mk2?

Hi everybody,

Hope you are enjoying your Labor Day Weekend.

My system is:

Anthem 225i (using phono pre in rec)
Musical Fidelity A5.5 CD player
Usher CP 6311 speakers
Clean SL mk2 with AT cartridge 120e

How much am I missing with my SL opposed to a $1000-$1500 including cartridge more modern setup like Rega RP3, entry Clearaudio, VPI, etc?

I'm pretty happy with the current setup but have been told I am giving up a lot with the SL.

Your opinions are appreciated, just curious.

Thanks in advance,

Gary, what you mean: "A mat is on my list. I have the Isonoe footers already, but not the cones." ?

This is Isonoe construction:

You don't need any cones with Isonoe, you don't even need sarbotane boots they offer as a bonus.

BTW they also offer tonearm base for SME 309, 4, 5 and "their own tonearm":

I never tried their arm, but isonoe feets are adjustable and fits very well and works just fine (also looks great on sl1200/1210).
Dear friends
With all my respect to SL1210 mk2 let's make it clear it's a hi-fi turntable, not a hi-end gear. Not even close to Technics hi-end decks from the 70s.

SL1200/1210 mk2, mk3, mk3D or mk5 are good for proffessional use in the clubs, it's a legendary dj turntable and i use them for 17 years already.

It's full of compromises in stock condition to make this deck affordable for mass market (professional market). They made millions of them, it was the best selling deck in the world. Anyway even for professionals the biggest problem is bass feedback and bad isolation (very bad stock feets construction) when djs use this deck in the clubs.

For those you want to use this deck in a better application they must solve all those compromises (bad wires, power supply, feets, tonearm). This deck was never designed to be the best Technics deck. The tonearm itself cost just $150 new! In the 90s the price for the new deck was about $390 in USA. What do you expect from the turntable for $400?

There are many other Technics turntables available for audiophiles. Those like SP10 mk2, mk3 made without compromises in construction. The price tag was higher, but it was true Hi-End! Technics EPA-100 tonearm cost $900 used today, the SP10mk2 easy to find for $1000 in perfect condition.

I have no idea why people wasting time and money with SL1200 mid-fi/hi-fi deck and invest money to solve the problems if they can easily buy true vintage hi-end Technics for very resonable price.

The stock tonearm of SL1200 ($150) is the biggest problem of this deck. I know only one company who used their own 1210 technics mod on Hi-End show. It was Zu Audio, but their modded deck was $4500 and now they use vintage Luxman with two tonearms. Anyway their modded sl1210 comes with Audiomods tonearm (UK) and low compliance Denon 103 (also their own version).

Jelco tonearm also designed not for high compliance cartridges, but very papular among technics sl1200 owners. Comes with build inn silicone damper (all togerher for $450).

Modern SME must be much better and more expensive, also the ugglies looking arm on this deck.

What else? Vintage SME? Modern Originlive? I don't know...

You're very limited with optional arm for SL1200, but with SP10 and good plinth you can use absolutely everything you like and it will be much better sounding deck of different class of performance.

P.S. SL1200 still ok for second system or as dj deck, but using it for main system will never give you satisfaction that other/better turntables can give.

Sorry, I was mistaken on the Isonoe. I already have 'half' of another isolation product. I'm going to buy the other half.

Regarding the mat, I intend to buy an aftermarket mat that has been recommended. The mat can be returned if it doesn't satisfy.

I tend to agree with you to an extent on the SL1200. It's probably not the pinnacle of vinyl reproduction, but it satisfies me for the most part. Enough that I don't mind spending a few bucks to 'enhance' it a bit- especially when I can use most of the parts elsewhere in my kit if/when I replace the SL.

Hey guys, was just thinking-

There's a guy reading this thread wondering why we don't spend 5k and get a modern state of the art turntable. But there is a guy reading the 5k dollar guy's posts wondering why he didn't spend 7k and get something good. There is another guy with a 12k digital front end wondering why we like cracks and pops so much.

Awesome hobby for sure, makes me happy.

I appreciate everybody's thoughtful feedback and help. There is a lot of knowledge here, and I learn so much.

Uncle- Your "was just thinking" comments are probably some of the sanest I've read on this forum. The dark side of this hobby touches on addiction...enough is never enough; there's always something better out there for just another $1000 - that is until you decide things ARE "good enough". But that sort of flies in the face of what some here believe it means to be an audiophile. If that is the case I'm happy to say I ain't one and just get on with enjoying the music. Hope you get great pleasure with music from your TT.