How much am I missing with SL1200 mk2?

Hi everybody,

Hope you are enjoying your Labor Day Weekend.

My system is:

Anthem 225i (using phono pre in rec)
Musical Fidelity A5.5 CD player
Usher CP 6311 speakers
Clean SL mk2 with AT cartridge 120e

How much am I missing with my SL opposed to a $1000-$1500 including cartridge more modern setup like Rega RP3, entry Clearaudio, VPI, etc?

I'm pretty happy with the current setup but have been told I am giving up a lot with the SL.

Your opinions are appreciated, just curious.

Thanks in advance,


Showing 17 responses by uncledemp

Thanks, that's good news. I've been a drummer for years, my ears aren't golden. If the difference is minimal I'm not sure I'd notice.

Thanks guys, I guess the only way to know is to try it out. The closest brick and mortar dealer is probably 200-300 miles. It may be worth a shot to demo one via an Internet dealer if agree to pay frt, etc.

I was curious what others had to say to see if it motivated me to take the next step.

Thanks for your thoughtful feedback


I've heard good things about the Denon. However, my built in phono stage is suited best for MM or high output- ruling the 103 out. Correct me if I'm wrong.

When I upgraded from NOS Shure I noticed a pretty big difference, so I'm not opposed to changing cartridges. I prefer a lively sound, so my current AT cartridge is a good match, for me anyway.

I've considered the KAB Ortofons that basically set themselves up. Anyone here tried any of those cartridges? They appear to be a Concord body with an audiophile stylus.

I'm jealous of you that have shops that are willing to loan gear, etc. I'm surprised it's not the case in my hood. Maybe someday!

Thanks again for the insight/ advice.

Thanks guys,

All great advice! Can't thank you all enough.

For the most part, I enjoy the SL1200. It sounds dynamic and exciting to me, and soundstage seems solid and the speakers disappear. I'm sure the saying applies, "you don't know what you don't know"

I think the route I'm most comfortable with is:

Vibration Control (Isopod/mat/maple plank)
Look into, continue reading up on KAB mods.

It won't break the bank, and I have faith it will improve the sound. Afterwards, I think I'll demo a table or two and compare.

My investment in vibration control, headshell, cartridges, etc will hopefully move forward with me if I upgrade tables.

Again, thanks for your advice- I'll use it all in one fashion or another I'm sure.

Kindest regards,

If I can continue to gain performance from the 1200 by spending a few hundred dollars, I'll be happy. I have some of the items on order now, and will contact KAB in the future. With my associated gear it appears keeping the 1200 is the way to go, at least for now.

I think I will avoid any demo's of high end tables. Ignorance is bliss!
Hi, the phono stage is in my Anthem integrated. But I see your point. The answer is yes, I can change the phono stage by adding one between the Technics and the Anthem via Aux input.

I do like the simplicity of my system. When I've had more complex systems I always wondered about interconnects, synergy between components, etc.

At this point in my life, I would sacrifice a bit of performance to keep it simple. The Anthem's phono stage did pretty good in the reviews I read and sounds good in my system (my opinion) - but I'm sure improvement can be had for a price.

With that said, I am open to Phono preamp suggestions if they would considerably improve the sound.


Again, a lot of great info, thanks. Unfortunately, I don't have a background in electronics and am unable to maintain/repair vintage gear. If the 1200 weren't so hardy I would not have it.

At one time, I traded in and out of a fair amount of vintage gear. Once I had some well regarded pcs, I would read how good the units would sound if I would bring them up to spec via, recap, power supply rebuild, etc. Point well taken- but my bargains would lose some luster after a thorough going through. Not to mention not having a personal relationship with someone I trusted to do the work. The honest guys out there seemed swamped and if you were lucky enough to get them to do the work- it may take months.

I just looked into some discussions on the SP10, and read the units would need to be brought up to spec to sound as good as it's younger brother SL1200 mk2. (Unless I read something wrong.)

I've never had any high end vintage turntables, but if it is labor of love, I better pass. Just don't have the skill and patience.

If the 1200 died today, I'd probably go buy a Rega table with Rega headshell and install 3 screws and be done. Otherwise, I'd be wearing a paper protractor out to check alignment one more time!

I know it may be blasphemy - but I use the Technics overhang gauge on the Sl1200! Hopefully, we are still friends...

Thanks again,
I didn't know the SL1200 had a phono section built in. I've been using the phono input on the Anthem. Am I doing something wrong?

I should have the mat and isolation done in a couple of weeks. I'm looking forward to it!

I appreciate the help johnnyb53.


A mat is on my list. I have the Isonoe footers already, but not the cones. I'm going to add the cones, mat, and maple plank.

Thanks for the input,


Thanks for the input. I enjoy the 1200, and I think a few tweaks will keep me happy for awhile. The VTA is handy and I use it, something I forget about and take for granted.


Sorry, I was mistaken on the Isonoe. I already have 'half' of another isolation product. I'm going to buy the other half.

Regarding the mat, I intend to buy an aftermarket mat that has been recommended. The mat can be returned if it doesn't satisfy.

I tend to agree with you to an extent on the SL1200. It's probably not the pinnacle of vinyl reproduction, but it satisfies me for the most part. Enough that I don't mind spending a few bucks to 'enhance' it a bit- especially when I can use most of the parts elsewhere in my kit if/when I replace the SL.

Hey guys, was just thinking-

There's a guy reading this thread wondering why we don't spend 5k and get a modern state of the art turntable. But there is a guy reading the 5k dollar guy's posts wondering why he didn't spend 7k and get something good. There is another guy with a 12k digital front end wondering why we like cracks and pops so much.

Awesome hobby for sure, makes me happy.

I appreciate everybody's thoughtful feedback and help. There is a lot of knowledge here, and I learn so much.

Ghost, you have quite a system, beautiful!

I'd like to hear the Totem, from what I've read they seem like my cup of tea.


Ghost, if you're ever in Arkansas, I'll let you hear mine. They were originally owned by Mike Rodman, a 6 moons writer, I bought them after he passed. They are pictured in some of his articles. I bought several pcs that belonged to him.

I sold some Sonus Fabers and kept the Ushers. SF I had were awesome, the Ushers just suited me better- new owner loves them. There is so much I haven't auditioned, the redhead and I need to head to Dallas or Chicago sometime to hear different brands.

Overall, I prefer bright vs warm speakers. When I listen to warm speakers I tend to lean into them from my chair for some crazy reason - like it will help me hear more detail! With my setup, my tone controls are bypassed, balance knob is centered and everything is there. It just suits me.

I'm looking forward to my turntable enhancements-

Warm regards,
I'm in Michigan at a car show, winery:brewery, outdoor concert. If they are selling audio skin- I will take $50 worth! Okay - $20 for sure!

Hope you all are having a great weekend,

I'll try it once... I'd hate to be seen as cheap! (Just kidding, I'm cheap)

I saw your system, I've heard the Aerial's are great. I'd like to hear them and Totem, and Silverline, Proac, etc. The reviews I've read interest me.

Congrats on a great deal on the 10's. They are probably beyond my reach but I'd still like to listen!
