Would adding a pre back into the system eliminate

some extreme glare?
I recently switched from a tube pre to just using a Bel Canto 2.5 straight to the amp. It has more detail but is very revealing as far as terrible sounding cd's. I have also lost the robustness that it had. I have to turn it up quite a ways to get on top but by that time it is too loud. I think I am going to need another pre to take care of that. I still have some mid range glare though that is excruciating. Mostly voices. I am including a list of my setup. I don't know if it is my speaker cables, or lack of pre. I should have good sound with the BC 2.5 and amp I think, but with out purchasing individual components and seeing I don't know. I would appreciate any thoughts. Normal living room, carpet, drapes, pictures, etc.
McCormack UDP-1 love it, plays dvd audio and good cd's with excellent sound.
Silnote Poseidon Sig digital to BC 2.5 huge upgrade from what I had
Harmonic Tech Magic Link II xlr to amp maybe even more so than above
PBN Custom amp dual mono 160w/ch class A/B
DH Labs Silver Sonic Q 10 speaker cables
NHT 3.3 speakers.... plenty capable,they sound great.
Post removed 
Thanks Cdrc, for the response and confidence. I sold the pre though. I wasn't sure if it was what was needed or possibly spkr. cables.
Cdrc suggestion is the best course of action, direct comparison. As you're probably aware, this is an often covered topic(check the site's archives for proof). You'll find many advocates of either of these two approaches. Listen and decide using your system.
Best of luck.
This is not a disaster but a journey and we have all been there. Trial and error is what we do naturally so no harm has been done. You most definately will want to add a preamp again to increase dynamics, preferably a warmer but detailed one.