Lets talk tubes in Pharaoh Integrated

What are some tube rolling options for the rogue audio pharaoh integrated amp? I would like a better mid-range sound less bloat please.
The JJ 802S a replica of a very special ultra low noise very long lived Telefunken tube. The 802 is a 12AU7 or Ecc82 what have you. As far as current production tubes go and your preferences I would consult Jim McShane who is a sponsor over on Audio Asylum's Tube Asylum. I know he is pretty happy with the Gold Lion tubes which are said to be on the warm side of neutral.
If you want to try nos I recommend Amperex ECC82s . In particular one formerly excellent, drop in sub, is the highly desirable 7316, which have become very expensive and widely copied (lots of fakes). Your best bet for NOS and the better subs is to rely on a good dealer.
I think you can roll the tubes and change cables till the cows come home,but I think the problem is the class D solid state section on the Pharaoh that is not in your taste.
I use a tube pre with Ss amp. With my system it is very easy to evaluate any change and characteristics of input tube,rectifier tube, cables sprk and I/cs. That said I use the same input and output tube as your integrated and I have many different brands current and nos including jj 802s . I recommend based on your description that you try Siemens ecc82s a far different sound than the jjs and should get you closer to what you seek. Best.
A ton of time has passed since I started this thread. I have lived and learned a little in the past year. First off I got Jim Smith's how to get better sound for Xmas last year and have found that the sound I did not care for is gone with proper set-up of my speakers. Wow what a difference the muddy, crappy mid-range is completely absent. So now I am thinking to add twin subs to the mix anyone done this and if so how did you like the results? Looking at Gallo TR-3D or JL E110. Any opinions? Thanks Walter
Walter good for you. Always optimize the physical setup of what you have and in many cases that will eliminate the need to change gear. That means speaker placement and orientation maybe some simple room treatments isolating components to keep noise levels minimal etc. so many ways to tweak sound without spending a dime.