$10K budget. Help

I have a $10K budget and would like to upgrade my Mcintosh MA6500 integrated amp and Monitor Audio GR20 speakers.
Would like to go with a tube integrated with a phono stage.
Speakers, I would like monitor's. New or used.
Any help would be appreciated.
Just a little over your 10K budget you can get an entire Liberty Audio System

Liberty Audio

There are many favorable reviews on line of several of the components

From its maker

Good listening

Contact Michael at Bluy Jay Audio in Sarasota. He has a lot of nice brands to choose from http://bluejayaudio.com/
vac is in sarasota.i live in bradenton,also sweet home audio in clearwater has some very nice stuff.
FYI, I am the VAC dealer located in Sarasota. I am the dealer Shumph15 mentioned above. I have experience with the MA6900.
Guys, thanks so much. I will need to keep this thread handy when I go down to visit. Always looking to hear things I don't get to hear at home. I've found some great stuff this way in the past. That's one way that I've gotten my recent system.