Why is it so much more civil over here on Agon?

A member on another forum site asked an honest question, check out his question and some of the responses. Is it because of the moderators here on Audiogon, or is it because the members here would not put up with it?
Was I justified in giving my response? I have no idea what the follow up response will be.

FWIW, while there may be some JD's with bad manners and a poor sense of humor at AA (and of course there are none on this site) there are some extremely knowlegable people who post there and share their knowlege and experience generously. Lurking on the site is worthwhile for this if no other reason. You might just learn something of value.
You are in big trouble now...you should have never posted that link...didn't you know that here at Audiogon we are all extremely sensitive to things like that? I already can envision the beating you are now going to have to endure from our more conservative members...you know...the ultra stuffy ever so serious ones...you had better start running now...very fast...I'll even let you know who's gonna be coming after you full force.

Watch out for Marco (Jax2), Dean (Gunbei) and especially Chris (Slappy)...I really hope that they don't ever see this thread because if they do...I think that not only will they be so offended by the crass subject matter, they will initiate the movement from having you banned from the audiophile community forever.

I'm telling you...these guys mean business!!!

Consider yourself warned.