Any heard of Porcupine Tree?

They're like a cross between Floyd, King Crimson and old Genesis. Been fairly big in Europe. Just starting to catch on in the states. On tour here right now. Mind blowing shows. They have release a dozen os so records, mostly under indie lables, but a lot is being re-mastered and I saw 4 or 5 at Boarders. Give Stupid Dream or The Sky Moves Sideways a try. It's progressive in'05.
I saw them in Atlanta thursday. They are great but the sound was very bad. I have all of their albums. I have recently been buying their vinyl releases. For comparison purposes I played the CD, DVDA and LP version of Deadwing all at the same time and skipped back and forth between the three with the remote. The vinyl sounds the best.
Been using Voyage 34 as a reference for years. The original vinyl has mind-blowing bass. The new vinyl reissue is not bad.

I've not seen Stupid Dream or Lightbulb Sun on LP but I have everything else. I tuned into them about 1991.

When they were in town here last month I got to open for them which was totally awesome!!! So I geeked out and got everyone's signatures on a copy of Deadwing (LP) that I brought along. My show went well too.
I saw them at the TLA in Philly a few years ago and walked out. I do have and thoroughly enjoy all of their LPs on vinyl. Have not heard the most recent. As stated above a psyche prog band of merit, at least in the studio. Maybe it was a bad night as their live LP Coma Divine has seen heavy rotation on my turntable. Check out the On the Sunday of Life LP.
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I think we were lucky here in Minneapolis. The sound was great. The performance was great too, even though coming off of 7 days of straight performance. I saw Paul Bolin of Stereophile in the audience. He's a big fan.

I think in many ways Signify was the crossover from their early instrumental to their more recent sound- vocals were suddenly more polished and composition, which was always accessable, became really first rate.

The Coma Divine LP has an extra side of material not found on the CD. Although not the best sound, the LP has worked its way to the top of PTree for me.