Looking for an acoustic guitar recording..

I would love to find an excellent recording of acoustic guitar. I'm looking for one that is more towards the genre of pop/rock or country than towards classical. Something upbeat would be great. I don't mind if there are vocals, but my main focus hear is on acoustic guitar. Any advice is greatly appreciated.
o Chris Issak - San Francisco Days,

o Johannes Linstead - Guitarra del fuego. Spanish-like guitar, warm and well recorded.

o William Ackerman - Past Light , instrumental (early digital, very steel string and one of my all time favorites(at times mezmorizing).

o Mary Chapin Carpenter - C'mon C'mon - (the fast songs are country (I never listen to those), but the other half are songs are more folk and storyteller style, excellent recording).
Jack Johnson is primarily acoustic guitar w/vocals. The Pizza Tapes with Garcia, Grisman, and Rice is a favorite of mine.
Another vote for Leo Kottke and Michael Hedges. Ackerman is OK, but bores me for some reason (the George Winston of guitar?)....

For something out of the mainstream, John McLaughlin has some incredible acoustic recordings.