to replace PB-8 Transparent Plus BiCable

I bought the Transparents back in 2001 for 803 B&Ws.

I still have the same speakers but wondering about replacement with smaller, narrower cables to use in a smaller room.

Has cable technology improved since 2001?
Thanks for your help.
doubtful you will hear that much of a difference if replacing them. Wouldn't waste the money.
"07-19-15: Stereo5
doubtful you will hear that much of a difference if replacing them. Wouldn't waste the money."

Why would you say that? I don't care for B&W myself, but they have more than enough detail to show cable differences.
Gerry123, you should try the current version Transparent Plus Gen5. After a demo compared to what you have...just have the credit card's not subtle.
"Why would you say that? I don't care for B&W myself, but they have more than enough detail to show cable differences"

It has nothing to do with the B & W speakers. He is asking if he will hear a difference with the newer cable tech and I feel that new or old tech doesn't matter. To change speaker cables just because they are from the 90's does not make sense.
The difference in sound is going to be determined by whatever cable the OP replaces his current cables with. Maybe the change will be big, or maybe it won't. It all depends on the cable.