Krell --- Are the Newer designs better?

After hearing all the Krell hatred for so many years, I never thought I would consider a Krell amp -- thin, steely highs -- recessed, distant midrange -- sterile, lifeless sound.............should I have believed what many said?

Then, after reading more recent reviews of the FPB series amps, I got the distinct impression that the sonics have improved to the point that the amps are now in the top class of solid state sound. Even the infamous Jonathan Scull thought it a great amplifier.

However, there are proponents of the older amps, saying they sounded the best. Krell, like Levinson, seems to have polarized audiophiles -- either they like it, or they hate it. What have your experiences been with the different Krells, and how do they measure up to the competition, such as Pass, Rowland, Gamut, Plinius? By the way, I should point out that I am a tube guy, so few solid state amps have floated my boat, the Boulder 1060 being one of them.
Kevziek, I guess my point was that it has been my listening experience that all well designed amps can sound very good and make you forget which type of design you are listening to. A lot of tube and SS do not sound very good to me. Bad tube to me is (noise,bloat,exaggerated mids, and mud for bass). Bad SS amp for me is (shrill,grain,dull and lifeless). That being said, as far as less than ideal recordings sounding bad with the Pass amp, They will sound just as bad with a Krell amp. I'm not a tube guy or SS guy but do tend to lean more towards SS amps in my systems for the same reason you lean towards tube amps, good tube amps cost more than I want to spend.
My favorite Krells are post fans, pre plateau bias, and preferably balanced.
I love tubes also. I have a couple of systems and the Krell KSA 250 stayed with me for over 6 years. Prior to that I owned a 300s for a year and a fpb 300 for 6 weeks. I kind of worked backward from their line development, but the 250 is the one I loved. I think it has a darker and softer sound than the newer stuff and might be an easier transition for you.
if you are a tube guy, I agree you will not like
Krell,even Levinsons, unless if the amp sounds
closer to tubes,In my experience the Plinius
is a tube sounding amp,I have it for many years
now,In my system Krell FPB300 sounds very good, but
its not musical,who knows, for you to know audition
them,Also the FPB 300 I auditioned, does not allow
you to use tube preamp,but they say you need ajustment
on the amp.If I were you, if you plan to use it
tube preamp, I will check first.Good Luck
Had 3 ksa250's and a 300S loved them all id take the 300s for most demanding speakers and the 250 for brite speakers. These are nice amps. Not as dynamic in the highs as some which can be a godsend. The ksa amps are requiring cap replacements now as they get 10years+ Something to think about all will need this or amp will not opperate after caps get leakey. Once krell replaces the caps amp will sound better then new!! Pay around 2500 for a overhauled ksa250 you will not regret it. Can be converted into MDA 500 mono blocks for around 3000 a pair. God are those nice.