What, if any, component to upgrade? Advice?

So, in a qualifying question for the First World problem department, here's my current system:

1. Triangle Titus 202 monitors
2. Rotel 1072 cd player
3. Sophia Electric Baby Amp (upgraded caps, etc; new tubes 10w/ch)
4. Mapleshade speaker cables
5. Nordost IC's

Which component to upgrade? Or should I be happy with the sweet little system I have and deny the audio bug any further entrance? I like my sound, but it's still a bit too little of a presence than I'm looking for.

Any advice? Budget is under $1000

Thank you in advance.
Loomis - i do have a good old ML Descent; unfortunately, the Sophia doesn't have a sub/pre-out. But good call on that one, though.

Mik - thanks for the advice on the Rotel. I'd heard raves about it before I bought it and snapped one up when it came up on Agon. I think I'll be going the DAC route after all. Thank you for helping solidify that decision.

Switch to DNM Reson speaker cable from Mapleshade, you'll think you just bought a 4k tube amp.
A properly integrated sub not only adds heft and depth, it provides a more solid foundation for the sound from your monitors to ride on. The result is definitely more "presence".

REL subs can connect to the amp's speaker connectors, so not having a sub/pre-out is not an issue. New or used a REL would fit your budget. (I generally lean toward sealed cabinet, downward firing subs.)
I second the subwoofer suggestion. I added one a couple of years back. The improvement seems to somehow go beyond the bass extension (my monitors are rated down to 40HZ). The sound seems more natural, more complete now. I may go for a more powerful amp next, but I'm glad I did the sub when I did.

Of course, as always, your system and your ears may not agree.