Paul Grzybek Tube Audio Design Passing

Today I tried sending Paul an email today. The returned response was we are saddened that Paul can not get in contact with you. I did a internet search and found he passed away back in May. He had done some work for me on a Fisher 400 and I also purchased one of his Hot rodded 400's. He will be missed.

He was only 48
I had bought some items from him and I am sorry to learn of this. I may have inadvertantly recommended him not knowing either, very sad.
A few years ago I had acquired a used TAD 150 Signature preamp here on Agon. I had several questions and like others noted here he was always accommodating and pleasant. He provided the best customer service I've encountered to date.
I was really bummed out when I read this post. His legacy lives on through all the gear he sold.
I'd also like to add this:

If I remember correctly, he left a job at GE where he was one of the lead engineers (Senior Electronic Engineer-III) to pursue his love of audio gear and to share it with folks like us. To think that after 30 years of being an engineer he chose to make our lives better. I can't think of higher praise.

All the best,
Thanks nonoise for that tidbit of information. Can't understand why, but I have been feeling kind of cheated not knowing more about his life and background. Was hoping to gain some insight from the obit, but, as I said before, it was minimal.