All Amps Sound the Same....

A guy posted this on another forum:

"This is my other expensive hobby and while I agree with you about low end receivers, once you get to mid-priced (~$600-1000 street price) multichannel receivers you're into pretty good gear...Keep in mind that an amplifier sounds like an amplifier and changing brands should add or subtract nothing to/from the sound and that going up the food chain just adds power output or snob appeal to a separate amplifier...These days most audiophiles either use a good quality multichannel receiver alone or use a mid-priced multichannel receiver to drive their amps even for 2-channel."

Wow, where do they come up with this? Lack of experience?
speaking the TRUTH on this site, is like throwing Holy Water on a vampire hahahahhahahahaha
If you can't perceive the differences in tonality, resolution, sound staging, imaging, ambience recovery, etc, between various amps; you're blessed(think of all the money you'll save, by NEVER having to upgrade).
Some of you guys guessed it right. Here's the latest quote:

"You've been sold a bill of goods my friend. There's a lot snake oil in "high-end" audio and anybody that tells you that a two channel amp sounds better than a multichannel amp or a receiver for that matter is pushing snake oil. Drop by Audioholics sometime my friend."

I wish someone had told me this a little earlier, I could have saved a ton of money, LOL.
This is as accurate as "Full, rich sound" from Bose.
You either buy into their viewpoint, or you don't.