are audiophiles different than non audiophiles ?

i have been curious as to what determines one's interest in equipment, sound and music.

is it some personality factor, just a matter of choice of hobby or is their something else?

any ideas?

i think the answer to this question explains why some have no interest in listening to a high quality stereo system, when invited for a social occasion, as was the subject of "disappointing evening".
I think that personality traits may explain some of the differences between audiophiles and non audiophiles.

the problem is what are they and how to measure them.

since listening to music alone is a solitary pursuit, most of the time, being introvertive may be a factor. also having musical talent may predispose one to becoming an audiophile.

i wonder if there are demographic issues that relevant as well--just speculating.

wouldn't it be interesting if one's political leanings were correlated to one's interest in attaining sound quality.

it remains for clever people to suggest factors which may distinguish one type from another and then do statistical studies to see if some theory has justification.

age is definitely a factor.

there have been generational shifts as to exposure and interest in different media.

people over 60 were exposed to phonographs, radios and perhaps listened to certain types of music more frequently than people under 30.
Ray, gimme your address. I'm gonna send you the period key from one of my spare keyboards ...

I think that the audiophile bug is just inbred. I recall many years ago fishing around in the back of a big ole console TV to find the source of the speakers and connecting them to external speakers for a superbowl or something. It was a feeling of great accomplishment when it worked! It has grown since then. It is just IN some people. That's the way it is.
Elizabeth, that is a hilarious description - it also fits most orchestral musicians.
Yes, audiophiles are generally more neurotic than any other group. I say good; better than perverts.