ZYX Universe, Dynavector XV-1s, vdH Colibri, ??

Last Sunday i finally took the time to compare three cartridges; my Dynavector XV-1s (.24mv output), a friends ZYX Universe (.24mv output) and my vdH Colibri (.85mv output) with the darTZeel preamp and phono stage in battery power.

Some background. in a post from my system thread i describe the path that brought me to be experimenting with various cartridges. that post also raves about listening to battery power with the darTZeel phono stage. i promised to compare the Dynavector and ZYX to the Colibri on battery power.

so that is what i did.

the darTZeel preamp has plenty of gain (62db in the phono stage and 20 db in the gain stage of the pre itself) so even with the relatively low output of the Dynavector and ZYX there are no gain issues at all, i only needed to go to about 2 o'clock on the volume attenuator for very high volume with the 95db efficient VR9 speakers. in battery mode the darTZeel phono stage is extremely quiet; so the normal advantage the Colibri has over other cartridges with lower gain is considerably reduced.

the darTZeel phono stage is set with 100ohm loading that seemed to work well with all the cartridges but is not ideal. i know that the Colibri likes about 400-500 ohms ideally; and from what i understand the Dynavector and ZYX both are ok (if not ideal) around 100 ohms.

the Dynavector is pretty new and only has maybe 30 hours on it; so it has not yet openned up completely. i am told the ZYX is fully broken in......and my Colibri is most definitly broken in.

i am very familiar with the setup parameters of the Colibri. i run it with the arm slightly down at the back, and track it at 1.45 grams as measured by my ALM-01 Winds Electronic Stylus Pressure Gauge. with the Rockport there is no anti-skate issues.

i ran the Dynavector XV-1s at 2.70 grams and slightly down in the rear of the arm.......and the ZYX Universe at 1.95 grams and the arm level.

i had played around previously with the Dynavector for my 30 hours and had had the Universe in the system for about a week prior to get it dialed in. so i had a reasonably good idea of setup on each cartridge.

the Rockport does make it easy to switch cartridges very quickly as all you need to do is change the counterweight to the proper one for the weight of that particular cartridge. then adjust the arm length for exact stylus position (there is a groove in the platter that you sight the stylus exactly inside for perfect position), rotate the arm for visual azimuth (i can get it very very close to perfect), and set your VTF. in practice about a 20 minute job if you already know the VTF you want.

so i was able to first listen to the Colibri, switch quickly to the Universe, listen again, then switch quickly to the XV-1s, and listen again.

before i get into what i heard on Sunday i want to describe my perceptions of how the Dynavector and ZYX compared when i the Universe first arrived from my friend. for reasons described in the previous post i had purchased the Dynavector as an alternative to my Colibri and it had been in my system for about 6 weeks. i had been using my Lamm LP2 Delux phono stage with the Placette passive RVC and Tenor 300 watt Hybrid monoblocks. i liked the Dynavector; compared to the Colibri it was less exciting, less on the edge, less vivid and immediate and less explosive......OTOH although it had a little color it was fairly neutral, always natural, very involving and had very good detail if not quite like the Colibri. more of my favorite music was enjoyable compared to the Colibri.

when i installed the ZYX Universe my first impression was of slightly less smoothness and naturalness compared to the Dynavector but more of the excitement of the Colibri. i played some of the Lps that had been on the edge with the Colibri and the ZYX was more natural and under control yet considerably more exciting than the Dynavector.

on the Lamm/Placette/Tenor my initial impressions were that these were simply two good cartridges that had different perspectives. as i listened more to the ZYX i could never really get fully involved into the music as i had felt with the Dynavector or especially the Colibri. why? i'm not exactly sure. it was like i wasn't hearing as far into the music as i liked. nothing was missing from the 'checklist' but i wasn't fulfilled.

the Lamm has 57.5 db of gain, has 400 ohm loading, and is extremely quiet. it has a very slight warmth, just to the dark side of neutral; but has a textural richness and refinement that i have not heard from any other phono stage (until dart battery power). it should be an ideal match for the ZYX.

so that was how it was before i tried battery power (as described in my previous post). i hope this makes sense up to this point.

now to the three cartridge comparison.

first the Colibri. the Colibri can be a 'train wreck'. it breaks all the rules. the barrel and canteliver are out of algnment with the cartridge 'body'......so setting asthimuth you ignore the body and just align the cateliver and stylus. i have owned 3 Colibris and they are all different yet all inconsistent. they can have any length canteliver a customer wants, gold windings, copper windings, wood bodies, polycarbonite bodies.......they have such little play in their suspensions that they can 'buzz' on certain edgy types of music. they are the Formula 1 cars of cartridges. the Colibri is so immediate, so explosive, yet so natural and so incisive that if all elsewhere is not about perfect.....you will know it and there will be a problem.

OTOH when all is right the Colibri is magnificent.

long story made short; with the battery powered dart phono stage in my system; the Dynavector and especially the ZYX are not nearly in the class of the Colibri. as the system improves, the lead of the Colibri gets larger.

i used tracks on 7 Lps for this comparison.

1.Muddy Waters 'Folk Singer', 'Good Morning School Girl', Classic reissue.

the Colibri here made the guitar plucks real and there. the whole musical sense was vivid and immediate. there was not a sense of the recording chain.....just some guys doing their thing. totally involving. each note dripped with reality. brilliant colors in the vocals and guitar overtones. ALIVE.

with the Universe it sounded great, nothing missing, satisfying. but; the guitar pluck was not as vivid, the colors were less vivid, there was overall a bit of haze that only compared to the Colibri was evidant. maybe no other cartridge would expose that issue. the decay of notes was reduced which reduced the overall involvement. sounded like a different pressing. NOT ALIVE.

on the Dynavector this was more different. less energy, less edge. transients were softened. smoother and warmer. very nice. a great sense of ease but too buttoned down for me. this track should boggie. excellent bloom and note decay.

2. The Royal Ballet, side one, Classic 33rpm reissue.

Colibri; spooky good. i don't want to stop. an 'oh my god' about every 30 seconds. i try to critically listen but it's hard.....i just want to close my eyes and forget about everything. about the best reproduced strings i have ever heard. such a sense of venue, the 'subway' and 'buses' outside seem real. where am i?

ZYX Universe; a different realm......reproduced music. very good.....but less of everything. very, very good. specifically, less separation of instruments, less delicacy
and less clarity. the effortlessness of the Colibri in sorting out the complex textures is missing.

Dynavector; not the detail or energy of the Colibri but very natural. slightly veiled but warm and inviting. not
wholey real but still much beauty. good flow and pulse of the music.

it's getting late; i will continue tomorrow morning or evening as time permits.

the Dynavector and ZYX are excellent cartridges that by themselves are rightly considered SOTA. just because i hear what i hear doesn't invalidate anyone else's perspectives.

so as not to attract too many flames i want to clearly state that i limit my comments to my specific system and setup choices. there are many varibles i have not or cannot address; arms, cartridge loading, breakin, taste, settleing in. i did not do the tiny tweaking of these cartridges that one does over time to dial them in just right. OTOH the differences that i heard are considerable and not subtle.

it just one guys opinion on one particular system on one particular day.

with that said; flame away.
George,I thought the speaker system (main speakers,super tweets,and sub)was capable of stunning full range sound(as a matter of fact the overall speaker configuration,a gorgeous and unique one of a kind type, is one that seems to be in the "heirloom" category).My GOD,I forgot how "ARTSY" and "STUNNING",these things were.The overall system is in really good hands.--------------------------------------------------------Though to me,the frequency extremes were better when the anti skate was correctly set(in this case the downforce was in the area of 2.15 grams,with the set-up person,a competing manufacturer,with a fine,and deserved reputation,on his OWN stuff,setting the anti skate to,at least 3.5 grams(by ear)!!To me,this flattened the soundstage(somewhat),and did not allow for proper depth,and timbre to develope,on orchestral music.Yet it was fine on pop.There was more dynamic impact,and "swing" too,at the original manufacturer's setting(to me).For crying out loud,if the arm can differentiate to the 1/2 pinhead in fluid,what do you suppose such a "chasm" in antiskate is gonna' do(I hope I don't get a lecture about different anti skate forces,at diff points on the LP,as some kind of defense).Especially with a cartridge like the INIV.Let's hear what the cartridge can REALLY do!!Yet if you have been living with the previous setting for long,I could easily see where it would be easy to feel that it IS smoother,and richer,when it was simply glossing over resonant "life".Leaving the "off" setting would sort of indicate that the arm was not a fully developed,and inaccurate design,which it ain't.I think the system "owner" is too "cunning" to leave this a question mark,for too long.Especially as to the fact that it will be a superb two arm set-up.Though a slight revoicing in possible vta,downforce,and fluid would probably take a few listening sessions,to sort out,and it WILL be a Royal Pain,but worth it,IMO.However the "off" setting,which may have been set to smooth out some minor room anomolies(slightly bright,yet not a big factor,surprisingly)could easily fool one into complacency,if not really familiar with playing alot of familiar complex orchestral material.And this wonderful guy does have a really nice record collection!It is complex orchestral material,played at fairly high volume levels, that my friends(and I trust them)feel will tell you if the arm/cartridge is set "Right"!If not right,then little things like the volume of air,blowing through a flute,or a triangle's sweet "ting",and linger, are heard,but "simply there".When it is "dead on" these things have that magical ambience,and roundness,as well as a "dynamic action" that is "almost" heard in life.Simple ensembles are far too easy to reproduce,and they demand less of a really great cartridge,----------------------------------like the Universe!!
Dear Thomasheisig: I agree with you.

Btw, that H.Pearson review was the worst I " read " on my life, starting for the load impedance that that " guru " choose for all cartridges: 47K. There were many other misconceptions about tonearm/cartridge subjects on that review: I write several times to TAS about and they never publish any single word about my compliants and never give me an answer.

That " guru " is all you want to think but an audio guru, not only for that review but for many other things like: he choose tube amplifiers for handle the sub-bass towers in the Exotica speakers system !!!!!!!!

Regards and enjoy the music.

I will be getting my Dynavector XV-1s in about two weeks. I am still breaking in my Condor. I must have about 100 + hours on it, but I gave up logging hours. I am very excited myself about doing the comparison. I am setting up a 3 arm table. I have a Schroder Reference on order for delivery this summer. Optimized for the XV-1S. I can still change what it is optimized for.

One thing I do know is that the Dynavector needs at least 75 hours to be broken in. The Condor I am told 300 hours & it truly benefits from the after break in service. I assume you know this. I would love to hear your impressions after the XV-1S is broken in.

My Condor was terrible until it began to finally break in. Now it is magical, with te analytical bite completely gone. In addition, images are full & bodied. I have loads of detail but I am not hyper detailed. And then the Bass. I had many friends criticize my EMM sound compared to the Condor. They were in disbelief.

I am truly approaching this as a hobby with analogue taking on a new role. I see it a a choice of flavors. I miss the magic of my Koetsu Urushi. Hopefully the Dynavector will hit on both. Maybe it is my lack of patience for the Condor to break in. But in truth the Condor sounds very faithful to the music. The Koetsu was colored. A beautiful color. Hopefully my new Analogue front end will taking up one more level and demonstrate these differences to greater effect.

Some comments to the rest of the posters re: the accolades for the ZYX.

I have never heard a ZYX. As great a cartridge as the people on Audiogon claim it to be, it seems almost over sold. We have here a review that doesn't specifically criticize any cartridge. It does reference a specific system & mention that the XV-1S & Universe are betterd. I don't want to sound negative but I almost feel it is pointless to try the Universe based on what appear to be bias. Might I suggest a more objective approach would serve the readers in this forum better.
I think you just lost Raul as your buddy based on the Zyx audition. How about it Raul, where did Speedy go wrong here?
I would like to clear up the fact that I'm not "hitching my wagon" to the ZYX UNIV,or any design,for that matter.My attitude hasn't changed,in that I believe there are quite a few great cartridges(as well as any other component)out there.So don't anyone add me to any list of overhyping anything.Yet I NEVER rationalize to myself,and it seems to be SOTA,like a couple of the other "greats".What's wrong with admitting to that.I heard what I heard,and even though the set-up is still in transition,the UNIV's qualities stood out.

My recent experience was a "telling" one,where it was obvious to me that the UNIV IS a superb performer.I don't want to be included in any "Biased" camp,towards any design.I still have NO clue whether the UNIV can better my Temper-v,and really don't care.They are both superb,as are Koetsus,Titans,Colibris,XV-1s etc.

Even though I was treated in a supremely cordial way,during my listening session,I'm NOT over-exagerating(did I spell that right,Pat?)my opinion,and it may have helped that as you sat there listening to such cute "big boy toys",you are viewing people waterskiing,about a hundred yards away!!Though the listening chair that I was afforded was SO comfortable,that My "ass" kept talking about it,during the LONG ride home!!

Thanks for the report on your session with the UNIverse. Those were very perceptive observations you made about the sounds with different antiskate settings. That is exactly what we hear in our system too. Like you, we prefer the fuller detail and richer natural harmonics that come with minimal AS settings.

FWIW, our UNIverse performs best at around 2.02-2.04g (in the winter). If I push VTF much higher I start to lose the highs. As you said, those not accustomed to clean, extended HF response and/or those with system or room problems might prefer a "squashed" sound, but when all is right having the fullest possible response provides the most lifelike reproduction.


P.S. I don't remember the AS setting on Cello's 2.2, nor do I remember listening for AS differences like we did for damping, VTF and VTA. I agree AS can have a significant impact on sonics. On our rig setting AS even a little too high muddies the sound pretty quickly. If the 2.2 reacts similarly then you may have just helped Cello out. Is there any AS setting methodology unique to that arm that you could share for his benefit?
Doug,to me with the antiskate set as Graham wants it,that's all you need to do,and it IS accurate.Case closed!!I've checked it,with correct diagnostic equipment.The arm/cart. sounded Ok in the other setting,yet to me, it was as clear as a bell that if set correctly,from day one,the arm/cart. would have been voiced much more accurately.It would have been awkward for me to get too pushy about this,at the time,since I was not a close friend.That's the problem,sometimes,when you let other people set up stuff that they "really don't know" as well as they think.This is why I'm adamant about learning about,and setting up my own stuff.Even if it takes me a long time to understand.

The Nottingham supports at least 2 arms. I am actually getting a new turntable w. the Dynavector in about 3 weeks. The new table will support 4 arms & is set up for 3. I am thinking about retipping my Urushi w. Koetsu directly for my 3rd cartridge. I probably will as it has that magic. I could just not purchase the Dynavector & not retip the Urushi & get an Allaerts. From what I understand nothing comes close, based on what some friends have said.
Dear Doug: I respect to Salvatore specially for his constant support to his web site, but it is not my cup of tea. I agree with Neil and Sirspeedy about him.

+++++ " Actually he's the one who first got us to try a ZYX. Our ears confirmed what he reported at the R100 Fuji - Shelter 901 level. " +++++

Well, both of you were wrong about. I remember when you speak a lot ( high praise ) about the 901, in that time ( months ago ) I told you that the 901 was a cartridge in the hi-fi quality sound side, you always answer that the 901 was a great one and don't agree with my findings. Months latter you agree with .

The 901 and ZYX are impressive cartridges at " first impresions "/short time, over the time the " gold " change to cooper. Like everything: the time puts everything in the place where belongs.

Regards and enjoy the music.
Dear Sirspeedy: +++++ " I have finished having an extensive listening of the UNIVERSE,as of now,over a six hour listening session,with two WONDERFUL fellow hobbyists. " +++++

With all my respect to you: extensive listening? six hours?, come on: I know that your audio/music standards are different for mine but I never imagine what/how bigger were our differences. If for

Btw, you that six hours was a " extensive listening ", then I really have to make a stop in my audio development and think in that " six extensive hours " !!!!!!!!!

With two Wonderful fellow.., this tell me that what you had was an " audio party ( great audio fun ) " but not a serious cartridge evaluation ( it does not matters how serious you think that party was ) and I'm not saying you are not a serious music lover/audiophile. A serious audio device evaluation is a personal/alone " party " with out any single wonderful fellow..., at least these are my standards. I now know that yours are extremly different and that is fine for me and I think fine for you.

If the argument is OVER.... that is a dissapointment for me about you. No problem be happy.

Regards and enjoy the music.
Anybody surprised at Raul's comment about Speedy? You do have to give him high marks for consistency though.
Darren. Don't be shy. what is the new TT? Does your White audio phono have 3 inputs? otherwise you need another phono.

cheers Shane
Raul,so I guess that when you sent me those E-mails,last summer,inviting me,and my wife to hear your set-up,and then "go to the sea",it would NOT have been a "party"!Also,I guess that after hearing your set-up,for around six hours,you would NOT have wanted a favorable response,from me,even though you deserved it!Would you have chastised me,if after my wife actually dragged me out of your listening room(for only spending a mere six hours listening,when she was promised some Margaritas and a beach experience)had I been complimentary of, your set-up's sound?Do you mean to tell me that had I actually flown to Mexico,and stayed at your home,you would not have been flattered ,or expecting of a favorable response,on your "life's hobby work",and that I could NOT have been aware of the apparent quality of the set-up's sound,in "LIKE,MAYBE" ten minutes,with good program material!I think it was John McEnroe who always stated to the umpires my sentiments,here."YOU CANNOT BE SERIOUS"!!!

Raul,you know I enjoy your dedication,and correspondence,but please do something,here,that you don't do alot--"Quit while you are ahead"!!

The WN AUdio will be modified for 3 or 4 inputs. 3 with internally adjustable loading and one with a load selector switch. I am happy that it is a custom preamp. This made it much easier.
It's very difficult to take Raul seriously regarding his stance on Zyx cartridges. He has had little or minimal listening time yet continues to trash both the product and its' owners. His position would be far more credible if more (or even SOME for that matter) posters agreed with him. Instead he asks us to believe him based on his wealth of audio knowledge. Well folks I don't know about you but I like what the Zyx does for me and don't need somebody who's spent no time with it, to tell me what I can or can't hear and what is best for me. Here's some advice Raul, "butt out" and go on to topics about which you have some experience. Thank you.
Thanks for the insight on the 2.2's antiskate. I hope/presume Cello had it set per Graham's instructions, but I didn't check it myself. Hopefully he'll spot this and double check.

I agree there's no substitute for understanding and adjusting your own gear. The other day our system was sounding a bit stale. After fiddling with the rig for half an hour it finally occured to me to check the power amp. I hadn't biased it for a while and it was running too low. It's always something, you just have to find it.


P.S. Welcome to Raul's, "You're not perfect enough for me" club. Come join the fun. We may not be serious, but at least we're all partyin' together!
Actually I was in error for stating-"Extensive".I take that word back.OK-Raul?

Doug,I tried NOT to mention,or hint at the owner of the system,I heard.Also,I never made comments about a "Squashed sound",with the A.S., as the original set-up man so wrongfully voiced the arm.Yet,I've made a ton of really dumb set-up mistakes,that my friends have pointed out,so it's a natural transgression,and human.Also,I never stated the highs were rolled,only that it was obvious,to me,that with the correct setting,it could be voiced to a MUCH better standard.

BTW--I've made buying decisions in alot less than a 6 hour listen.I hope that you,Raul,don't break the dealer's chops,with too long a time auditioning.They have to attend to other customers too.Maybe I can process musical info faster than you.AND I believe that if I were to hear your fine set-up,your elbow would be jabbing me,with a "so what do you think",in maybe 15 minutes.Right??
BTW-Doug,Raul,etc--Let's get off the topic,as I don't want to make this thread about my personal opinion,and observations,regarding my little audio "party"!.They,in reality,mean NOTHING!BTW-Doug,you,and the other fellow hobbyists DID hear the "Off"("OFF" as compared to the Graham preference,which is correct,and if you all liked it better,then that's OK with me,but I'd be willing to bet that it was never A/B'd,at that "party")setting.As I understood it,a "sort of celebrity" set-up person(and I'm sure a very nice,and capable person.I'm not trying to be smug) voiced it to his taste,and I doubt if I'd have objected to it, at the time,especially with so many people in attendance.This may still be the preference of the system owner,and it's HIS system,which will undergo a new arm soon,anyway,as I'm sure you know.That being the case,I have my own opinion,which is that the arm/cart was simply not set up to the max!If I didn't own it,and set up about three or four others,I'd have no opinion on the matter.To me,this is all "really good",as "analog" is a hands on learning process,which requires some fotzing around.Only you,or me,should ALWAYS rely on ourselves,not a dealer or mfgr(not that they don't have good intentions)to do the grunt work.I'm going to drop all of this as of now,anyway.I can hear the applause,in central Jersey!!

This thread was started by Mike L.,for the purpose of informing us about his observations.He must have spent a load of time,simply keyboarding the info. for our enjoyment.Obviously these things can take on a life of their own,but to me,we've "shot our load" on the subject.
I wish some of you "mavens" would try my "sure-fire" anti skating calibration. It's so easy (and yes Doug, as w/ VTA it gets you in the ballpark, but not all the way "there"), but it gets you very close.

First, as you probably all agree, it's useless to match the anti skate setting to the VTF, which is what most TA mfrs. recommend and how their dials are calibrated. This is due primarily to the differences among cartridges between suspension material (amount of deflection for different materials) and stylus shape (amount of friction in the groove.)

The object of applying AS force is to neutralize the "inward twisting force" of the tonearm toward the record center. This force is the product of a lever arm length -- the perpendicular distance between the centerline of the (offset) headshell and the horizontal tonearm pivot -- times the friction force of the stylus in the groove. BTW, the old time straight transcription tonearms (no offset) didn't have this problem, but of course suffered from more tracking error.

If you will (with zero AS) just watch the position of the cantilever (from the front, with lots of light please) as you lower the stylus into the groove, you will notice that it deflects toward the outside of the cartridge (because the tonearm is pulling inward in the opposite direction.)

As you apply more and more AS this movement will eventually stop. If you apply too much AS, the cantilever will deflect toward the inside of the cartridge. It takes a little observational practice, but not a hell of a lot. The result is a cartridge-specific AS setting which is amazingly accurate. I've tried to dial it in further by ear using a mono female soloist record (keep the preamp in 'stereo' setting) but usually I get it right by eye. I suppose you could do a little better with the oscilloscope technique, but I don't have one handy :~))

PS: Try this technique with (any?) vdH cartridge. vdH is one cartridge mfr. who is very specific about AS settings (and they're QUITE low compared to standard tonearm mfr. recs.) I found (and you will too) that the setting you wind up with (on the AS force dial if you have one) is precisely what vdH recommends.
Good "bet" that AS wasn't AB'd at that party, since I already posted that! ;-)

As I said when thanking you for the suggestion, the Graham's AS may indeed have been off (or not). Nobody touched the owner's setting AFAIK, and I was there two full days before the "celebrity".


Excellent post. Lugnut, rest his soul, first mentioned that visual AS method to me. It's as easy as you described, takes all relevant factors into account and gives good results. Thanks for the common sense reminder.


Apologies for blabbing about antiskate at a party hosted by a guy who doesn't even need it. What a lot of bores. Got any more munchies for us to chew on?

Dear Sirspeedy: +++++ " YOU CANNOT BE SERIOUS"!!! " +++++

Yes, I'm and I don't quit because there is nothing that tell that I have to
quit about, let me to explain:

I already told you that your standards are diferent for mine ( that is
normal. different music experience, differents " ears ", different audio
system, etc, etc.. ). How I do a " serious " audio device evaluation:

- first, I make it alone with out any one in my audio system area.

- second, I play/heard the system by periods between one to two hours, no

- third, I play/heard the system in at least 3 to 5 periods in two to three
days ( sometimes more, it depends of what I'm evaluating and if the audio
device is mine or borrowed from a dealer or a friend ) at different

Why periods of one to two hours?, well for any people is really hard to stay
in deep concentration for more time and other important issue is that after
that time our brain/ears are " equalized/accustom " to the sound of the
audio device and we can't be objectively about.
You have to give time to your ears/brain to " desintoxicate " .

- fourth, I don't drink any liquor during the evaluation periods ( this is
not an audio party and I don't think that you and your friends drink only
water for six hours on a row, but could be. )

With this evaluation ( there are more things about ) approach, six hours in
three periods could be considered " extensive " against six hours on a row
that could be considered ?: you name it.

Till today I already was in front of the ZYX cartridges in four different
times, in three of them I follow that listening approach. For those ZYX
owners I don't want to repeat or to post the other people post that agree
with my opinion about these cartridges: I always said that the ZYX are good
cartridge but that the ZYX are not excellent cartridges, not yet: when this
could happen I will be a proud owner of those future ZYX cartridges, that's

Any experience audiophile can tell us in 10-15 minutes if what he is
listening is right, is wrong or so so, this I name " first impression " and
over the time the main issues on that " first impression " could be change
in a deep evaluation: in this deep/extensive evaluation we could know why
our first impression was a good one/wrong/so so,/etc, etc..

This is part of my standards. For an experienced people the first impression
is really important because if what we are hearing is wrong, this wrong
problem can't change over the time, over the time we could know why is wrong
that's all.

Now, Mike write this thread where he take more than a week to do his
cartridge evaluations in his own ( marvelous ) audio system where he knows
anything about the quality sound that comes for. The Colibri is his
cartridge standard, he had the ZYX for a week before he dial in and the
Dynavector for more than 30 hours. Well this is " extensive " against your
six hours on a row.

Now, why I take so serious this Mike's thread, well here we are talking of
almost " the best of the best " about cartridges ( well we need here at
least the Allaerts ) that have a jewelery price and we have a responsibility
with all the people on this forum that are looking for trusty information
not only a very " first impression ", at least this is my opinion. Yes I
know that for you the argument is over, like I already told you: good for
you, for me and for any one.

We are not losting here anything ( at least not me ), I think that all of us
learn many things about.

Great thread Mike.

Regards and enjoy the music.
>>Dear Sirspeedy: Now I can see who quit.<<

You should give this serious consideration as well.
Raul, I would love to have an opportunity to listen to your system and to sample some of the great food and atmosphere of your neighborhood. I would insist on sampling the local Anejo. I, too, have an anversion to accepted norms. That means I also don't gove in to authority!
Hi!!I'm sorry for not getting back to you fellas.I,actually,spent eleven hrs(SAT and SUN)listening to my beloved music.It's alot more fun than arguing!Anyone agree?
BTW-Raul,why are you trying to be so mean spirited?You made a nasty remark about "liquor",which is insulting,as I only mention wine as a humorous aspect of listening.You,also,have thanked me in the past,for being supportive of you.Now you seem to want to pick an argument,over my use of the word "extensive",and that I heard a "FABULOUS" set-up,that employed the UNIVERSE.BTW- the overall set-up was SO impressive that this was one reason I spent 11 hrs,this weekend,listening.I wanted to see if I could voice "certain aspects" of my own system to "some" of what I liked about "that" set-up.What is your problem?What have I quit on?Do you think I really care about this sillyness??Maybe you want me to join the "let's pick on Raul club"!!

You know I've always liked you,for your passion,and over the top,yet well meaning,critiques,but you are going too far with OVER-READING my post's intentions.

MY ONLY purpose of reporting the listening session(I was visiting relatives,near this nice "owner's house") I had, was for "mere" entertainment value.As, in a "FUN" read!!I'm sorry I mentioned any of it,since it seems to upset you.I don't take myself as seriously as you may think,and don't expect ANYONE to be so naieve to actually buy something,because I liked it.

Also,the UNIV was loaded correctly,and the supporting equipment was superbly well matched(well I wasn't wild about the Lectron amp heh,heh,but the new Bernings were fabulous.DOUG--stop worrying about the A.S. issue.You're off the hook).This all played a part,yet the UNIV was obviously a superb performer.Also,I realised this in about 10 minutes,so you can complain about that time frame,as well,but I heard what I heard!!Also,I'm completely aware of the fine qualities all the leading cartridges possess,but don't care,as I never approached any of this as a cartridge shootout.Perhaps you can offer an extensive comparison,of your "cartridge stable".I'm sure we all would love to read about it.As for me,I'm done.REALLY!

Best to all!
Dear Sirspeedy: No, I'm not saying that you and your friends were " drunk ", sorry for the wrong sense of my english.

+++++ " Now, why I take so serious this Mike's thread, well here we are talking of
almost " the best of the best " about cartridges ( well we need here at
least the Allaerts ) that have a jewelery price and we have a responsibility
with all the people on this forum that are looking for trusty information
not only a very " first impression ", "+++++

I think that you miss my point.

+++++ " MY ONLY purpose of reporting the listening session(I was visiting relatives,near this nice "owner's house") I had, was for "mere" entertainment value.As, in a "FUN" read!!I'm sorry I mentioned any of it,since it seems to upset you.I don't take myself as seriously as you may think, " +++++

This is the difference and no I don't have any club, my " club " is to try to help other audio people with a honest and experienced opinions ( I'm not saying that yours are not ). I have a compromise with the music, that's all.

New Bernings?, this explain about. Happy " equalization " !!!!

Regards and enjoy the music.
Dear sirspeedy,
This letter was written before I took off to the European Triode Festival from which I just returned. I had been contemplating the value of a reply, now your continueing references to me made me decide to react. Here ist my original reply from last Thursday:

Larry Howkins called me today and, among other things, mentioned that you had finally had a chance to visit him(isn't he the kindest guy!) and to give his system a listen, too. He also mentioned that you had posted some comments on audiogon, so, being interested to read about your impressions, I checked the thread.
I did find many very positive and personal remarks based on keen and (as much as that is possible)unbiased observation, nicely put and in good spirit. What I did (and do) have a problem with are your references to a "competing manufacturer", a "sort of celebrity" , which set up the Graham 2.2 arm the wrong way. As there was no other manufacturer of arms present during the often quoted weekend of comparing arms and cartridges, I must assume you're talking about me. If this is not the case, please skip the following sentences, or ignore them.
If it was me indeed you were refering to, then let me clarify a few points:
I did not set the antiskating to a value that would be appropriate for 3,5grams tracking force. In fact, the entire listening comparison was done with the arm set up as both Larry and Doug Deacon did it prior to my (very much delayed) arrival.
I do use the Ortofon 0002/3 testrecords when setting up arms with carts that come from someone else. That goes for antiskating as well, minuscule variatons are then checked by ear(at home, I also use a Namiki side force checker... to rare to loose it -or have it stolen- at trips or shows abroad).
When the last listening session was over and Larry needed the 2.2 to go back on the Teres360 he asked me to check the overhang and VTF setting, which I did. Intermittently I had also checked the tracking force on the Universe(1,93gr. at the time) , mainly to check the accuracy of my mechanical scale versus Doug's digital scale(both showed the same VTF).
Larry had told me that, upon checking the VTF quite some time later he found it too high(2,3gr.)on his Universe. Before I left, I had set it to 2,1 gr. , this value corresponding with a 300Hz tracking ability of 70microns for the Universe.
The antiskating was set correspondingly.
The fact that Larry ended up with an arm with the wrong VTF AND an incorrect antiskating setting cannot be attributed to anything I did. I'm not saying it was the cleaning lady, I simply don't know.
What I do know is that I would NEVER misalign or wrongly set up a competing product to gain an advantage. Any such implication is highly insulting. How stupid and easy to spot would such an attempt be with half a dozen people looking over my shoulder and Doug doing his own set up on the Triplanar ?
I am glad that you did check the set up and found out that the antiskating setting had gone out of whack.
Feel free to comment on the above, if you don't, I won't hold a grudge, but my desire to participate here on the audiogon forum by supplying information or just my perspective will go down even more than what it already has.

A merry set of holidays for you and your loved ones,

Frank Schröder
Frank,I am simply amazed that you feel the need to comment on such an inocuous post,by me.I made it my business to NOT mention any names,and now both you and Doug have let the cat out of the bag.Though this is probably no problem.

Also,a good bit of my post was simply to light a fire under Larry,to be more open to playing with the arm voicing,since the anti skate was off,and even though Larry and Pat(a great set of ears,btw)preferred the orig set-up,I was SURE it could be bettered.There is NO way "THAT" antiskate setting is "RIGHT"!

Now we both know how critical(in a good way)Larry is,but with the NEW BABY coming in march,and with him claiming he was never happy with the ultimate performance from the 2.2,as well as Doug claiming he has heard problems with the 2.2,and he gave the impression of being firm on "that's how it must sound",I simply(with tongue in cheek,and you should have realised this)wanted to stir the pot.

I NEVER thought of the concept,of you setting up anything intentionally wrong,even though just eyeballing the 2.2 for two seconds told me it was wrong.I simply figured you set it up,this way,as I was told you "have the best ears in the hobby",and you set it by ear(as Larry told me).

Please don't be so damn paranoid.You know I like you and your products,but you don't REALLY know the real me,and I would NEVER have considered any voicing was done on purpose.As always,I was fishing,a bit,but as I have NUMEROUS friends who claim they ALSO know "the best ears on the planet",I was sort of poking fun at the set-up person for the 2.2(which as I understood it,was you,and you SHOULD have checked the darn anti skate,AUTOMATICALLY,anyway!!!).

None of this is a problem,though as I have accomplished my objective,of shedding some light,so when the new baby comes we can have a fair comparison.

Best regards,and I hope I don't get pidgeonholed as some kind of 2.2 defender(I am enthused with a ton of stuff,really).
Hello sirspeedy,
Thanks for your reply. Innocuous is not the word I'd use to describe some of your posts, more exactly, your choice of wording and your use of parenthesis(the use of which -when not indicating a quote- is considered pejorative, sometimes even demeaning in German, not tongue in cheek).
I'm certain Larry has and will continue to invest time and effort into getting the best out of all of the components that make up his system, including the excellent Graham 2.2. You're stirring the pot after the main course has been served and some time will go by before the dessert is on the table.
I'm not (damn) paranoid, I'd just like to see everyone posting here, incl. myself, showing more respect towards the other participants(this subject has been covered at length, I believe...)
I don't consider you a 2.2 defender, just an enthusiastic owner, who was and is eager to share his findings so that others can get the best out of their arm(and that's what this forum should be about, right?).


Frank,I am still amazed that you seem so distraught by my posting,of anything,for that matter.This must surely be an "ego" thing,as I made it my business NOT to mention ANY names.Besides,I'm merely a "hobbyist schlep",in reality.Why take any of this to this silly degree?

Besides,what have I stated(specifically in the posts,pertaining to my fun session,at Larry)that is meant to be "demeaning",and "disrespectful"?You have to be kidding me!Right?

How many times in these specific posts did I state my actual intentions(a "fun" read,hopefully)?Have you actually followed my real intent?You should be above this,and secure enough to laugh this,all off!I'm sort of surprised that you mention my apparent "disrespect"(again,NO names were intentionally stated),and that I appear to be "demeaning".I'm sorry to inform you that I havn't got a clue,as to German grammatical intent!!Sorry!

All I'm guilty of is HUMOROUSLY pushing a few buttons.I NEVER would have pushed any boundaries,I felt was disrespectful to Larry,and felt he was quite secure enough to deal with any scepticism on my part.Besides I LOVED his system,overall.Listening sessions,at my friends' homes are WAY more carnivorous than any post,I've ever made,and some of them really are "audio celebrity",yet not so thin skinned!I've learned from the best.Which doesn't make me "anything" other than a fortunate hobbyist,btw!

Also,last year,about this time,I believe I read what was truly a "disrespectful" post,but that's ancient history.If I have to walk on eggshells,with every post,and can't have some fun,I'll exclude myself from this forum,in a "N.Y. minute"!!

Please lighten up,and I do wish you the best,and believe all that has been stated about you,and your products!
RIAA eq. Do any of you guys consider this as in my Nagra plp you are able to add jumpers to engage and remove to disengage, never mind impedance setting, iam quite surprised in how my Airey 3 makes the cymbals sound much more real when the jumpers are engaged, obviously its not the low frequencies that are effected.
Dear sirspeedy,
You're right in assuming that I (only) seemed to be distraught. When I wrote the second post I had a smile on my face, knowing that you would likely overlook the positive comment(last sentence...) in it again and focus on your preconceptions. No problemo :-)
We are who we are and jumping over ones shadow requires altering the position of the lightsource while doing so, - not easy for anyone...

All the best,

Frank,I'm going to give you the high ground.OK?But,please spare me the lecture on my overlooking any compliments.I was completely(though still perplexed) aware of your total message,yet you are quite accomplished at the "little wordplay",which can easily come across as smug :-),and not always innocent!BTW-I always have a smile,when posting.What's with the "shadow and lightsource" bit,anyway?OK,I know you are a smart guy!Maybe I should enroll GMORRIS to speak for me.He's really got a vocabulary that could end this "sillyness"!!

In reality,I was CLEARLY "poking in fun"(and what's the big deal, anyway?)at the set-up person in the "7 man listening session",of some time ago.We all have been hearing about this comparative session for QUITE some time,with the Wheaton and your arm coming out on top.Yet it would have been "a good thing" for the 2.2 to have been maxed out,as I'm sure your arm was.So,as my pals "love" to give it to me in the ribs,often,I was innocently digging "whatever" person set up the Graham.This does not mean it MUST be changed because I mention this,as it is not my call,and I clearly don't carry your weight(especially as I am a competitive tennis player,where weight = slow to cover shots).

Yet though my intent was not to incite,and be humorous,your response to me must appear as somewhat less so,when you claim that you "knew I'd overlook the positive comment".I wonder if I should feel dissed!No matter:-)!It's all in good fun(really,I hope!)anyway.

BTW-though it may seem as though I'm a bit miffed,it's only the internet me.In reality I know you are a "good man",as it came from a "very good" mutual source.

I DO have utmost respect for you,and wish you the best.BTW- you do have a nice little way with "waxing poetic"."Dinners,and desserts.Shadows and light",whew!!Wish I could do that!Really.

Is it only me that cannot figure out if you are on the verge of blows, about to burst out laughing!?! Just because the graham isn't that good an arm doesn't mean you should fight about it!!!

: )
Nrchy -- I think they're auditioning for a new daytime soap to be called "Desperate Audiophiles."

Drama, drama!
Hello Nrchy,
By now I'm giggling...
And I'm a lover, not a fighter(whoahaha...)


Dear Tangram: With out the rumble filter at 30Hz you have one stage less where the critical signal pass through and this help to " clean " the sound and our ears are very sensitive on cymbals reproduced frequencies and that's why you heard this improvement in the quality sound reproduction at those frequencies.

Regards and enjoy the music.
I see that Mr Schroeder is back to his old sensitive ways. Apparently, he has caught up on his backlog of tone arm orders. He can now resume one of his favorite pastimes of surfing the web and responding to every perceived slight of his arms or himself. And as usual, Nrchy the Sycophant cannot help himself as he seizes the opportunity to obliquely interject a negative comment about the very fine Graham 2.2 arm. As they say “the status quo ante” prevails.
gmorris, as usual you insert your foot into your mouth, or some orafice. I don't know anything about Franks arms other than a couple of friends have heard it and think they sound very good. I heard it at RMAF, but don't have enough info to form an opinion (not that a lack of information would stop you from commenting) about it.

If you want to buy a graham 2.2, go ahead, buy ten of them for all I care! I won't be buying any of them though. I must really be an idiot! There, now do you feel better???
I think one should buy TWO tonearms. One for each channel. Better extension, more authoritative sound, etc.
Raul, Have you seen Arthur Salvatore's latest posting on the Zyx Airy 3S? He calls it the best cartridge ever heard in his system. Maybe you should upgrade your other components to take advantage of the Zyz Airy 3S's sonic superiority.
Dear Mike: Now, that your XV-1 is fully broke-in ( I think but I'm not sure ) can you give us your experiences about.

Regards and enjoy the music.
Raul, Do you have experience with other VdH cartridges like the grass hopper IV and Black beauty?
I didn't want to move to Colibri due to its lower output which doesn't work well in my setup.
Dear S23chang: I have experience with the Frog but not with the ones that you named.
Now, the Colibri comes too in a medium output version where you will not have problems in your system.

Regards and enjoy the music.