ZYX Universe, Dynavector XV-1s, vdH Colibri, ??

Last Sunday i finally took the time to compare three cartridges; my Dynavector XV-1s (.24mv output), a friends ZYX Universe (.24mv output) and my vdH Colibri (.85mv output) with the darTZeel preamp and phono stage in battery power.

Some background. in a post from my system thread i describe the path that brought me to be experimenting with various cartridges. that post also raves about listening to battery power with the darTZeel phono stage. i promised to compare the Dynavector and ZYX to the Colibri on battery power.

so that is what i did.

the darTZeel preamp has plenty of gain (62db in the phono stage and 20 db in the gain stage of the pre itself) so even with the relatively low output of the Dynavector and ZYX there are no gain issues at all, i only needed to go to about 2 o'clock on the volume attenuator for very high volume with the 95db efficient VR9 speakers. in battery mode the darTZeel phono stage is extremely quiet; so the normal advantage the Colibri has over other cartridges with lower gain is considerably reduced.

the darTZeel phono stage is set with 100ohm loading that seemed to work well with all the cartridges but is not ideal. i know that the Colibri likes about 400-500 ohms ideally; and from what i understand the Dynavector and ZYX both are ok (if not ideal) around 100 ohms.

the Dynavector is pretty new and only has maybe 30 hours on it; so it has not yet openned up completely. i am told the ZYX is fully broken in......and my Colibri is most definitly broken in.

i am very familiar with the setup parameters of the Colibri. i run it with the arm slightly down at the back, and track it at 1.45 grams as measured by my ALM-01 Winds Electronic Stylus Pressure Gauge. with the Rockport there is no anti-skate issues.

i ran the Dynavector XV-1s at 2.70 grams and slightly down in the rear of the arm.......and the ZYX Universe at 1.95 grams and the arm level.

i had played around previously with the Dynavector for my 30 hours and had had the Universe in the system for about a week prior to get it dialed in. so i had a reasonably good idea of setup on each cartridge.

the Rockport does make it easy to switch cartridges very quickly as all you need to do is change the counterweight to the proper one for the weight of that particular cartridge. then adjust the arm length for exact stylus position (there is a groove in the platter that you sight the stylus exactly inside for perfect position), rotate the arm for visual azimuth (i can get it very very close to perfect), and set your VTF. in practice about a 20 minute job if you already know the VTF you want.

so i was able to first listen to the Colibri, switch quickly to the Universe, listen again, then switch quickly to the XV-1s, and listen again.

before i get into what i heard on Sunday i want to describe my perceptions of how the Dynavector and ZYX compared when i the Universe first arrived from my friend. for reasons described in the previous post i had purchased the Dynavector as an alternative to my Colibri and it had been in my system for about 6 weeks. i had been using my Lamm LP2 Delux phono stage with the Placette passive RVC and Tenor 300 watt Hybrid monoblocks. i liked the Dynavector; compared to the Colibri it was less exciting, less on the edge, less vivid and immediate and less explosive......OTOH although it had a little color it was fairly neutral, always natural, very involving and had very good detail if not quite like the Colibri. more of my favorite music was enjoyable compared to the Colibri.

when i installed the ZYX Universe my first impression was of slightly less smoothness and naturalness compared to the Dynavector but more of the excitement of the Colibri. i played some of the Lps that had been on the edge with the Colibri and the ZYX was more natural and under control yet considerably more exciting than the Dynavector.

on the Lamm/Placette/Tenor my initial impressions were that these were simply two good cartridges that had different perspectives. as i listened more to the ZYX i could never really get fully involved into the music as i had felt with the Dynavector or especially the Colibri. why? i'm not exactly sure. it was like i wasn't hearing as far into the music as i liked. nothing was missing from the 'checklist' but i wasn't fulfilled.

the Lamm has 57.5 db of gain, has 400 ohm loading, and is extremely quiet. it has a very slight warmth, just to the dark side of neutral; but has a textural richness and refinement that i have not heard from any other phono stage (until dart battery power). it should be an ideal match for the ZYX.

so that was how it was before i tried battery power (as described in my previous post). i hope this makes sense up to this point.

now to the three cartridge comparison.

first the Colibri. the Colibri can be a 'train wreck'. it breaks all the rules. the barrel and canteliver are out of algnment with the cartridge 'body'......so setting asthimuth you ignore the body and just align the cateliver and stylus. i have owned 3 Colibris and they are all different yet all inconsistent. they can have any length canteliver a customer wants, gold windings, copper windings, wood bodies, polycarbonite bodies.......they have such little play in their suspensions that they can 'buzz' on certain edgy types of music. they are the Formula 1 cars of cartridges. the Colibri is so immediate, so explosive, yet so natural and so incisive that if all elsewhere is not about perfect.....you will know it and there will be a problem.

OTOH when all is right the Colibri is magnificent.

long story made short; with the battery powered dart phono stage in my system; the Dynavector and especially the ZYX are not nearly in the class of the Colibri. as the system improves, the lead of the Colibri gets larger.

i used tracks on 7 Lps for this comparison.

1.Muddy Waters 'Folk Singer', 'Good Morning School Girl', Classic reissue.

the Colibri here made the guitar plucks real and there. the whole musical sense was vivid and immediate. there was not a sense of the recording chain.....just some guys doing their thing. totally involving. each note dripped with reality. brilliant colors in the vocals and guitar overtones. ALIVE.

with the Universe it sounded great, nothing missing, satisfying. but; the guitar pluck was not as vivid, the colors were less vivid, there was overall a bit of haze that only compared to the Colibri was evidant. maybe no other cartridge would expose that issue. the decay of notes was reduced which reduced the overall involvement. sounded like a different pressing. NOT ALIVE.

on the Dynavector this was more different. less energy, less edge. transients were softened. smoother and warmer. very nice. a great sense of ease but too buttoned down for me. this track should boggie. excellent bloom and note decay.

2. The Royal Ballet, side one, Classic 33rpm reissue.

Colibri; spooky good. i don't want to stop. an 'oh my god' about every 30 seconds. i try to critically listen but it's hard.....i just want to close my eyes and forget about everything. about the best reproduced strings i have ever heard. such a sense of venue, the 'subway' and 'buses' outside seem real. where am i?

ZYX Universe; a different realm......reproduced music. very good.....but less of everything. very, very good. specifically, less separation of instruments, less delicacy
and less clarity. the effortlessness of the Colibri in sorting out the complex textures is missing.

Dynavector; not the detail or energy of the Colibri but very natural. slightly veiled but warm and inviting. not
wholey real but still much beauty. good flow and pulse of the music.

it's getting late; i will continue tomorrow morning or evening as time permits.

the Dynavector and ZYX are excellent cartridges that by themselves are rightly considered SOTA. just because i hear what i hear doesn't invalidate anyone else's perspectives.

so as not to attract too many flames i want to clearly state that i limit my comments to my specific system and setup choices. there are many varibles i have not or cannot address; arms, cartridge loading, breakin, taste, settleing in. i did not do the tiny tweaking of these cartridges that one does over time to dial them in just right. OTOH the differences that i heard are considerable and not subtle.

it just one guys opinion on one particular system on one particular day.

with that said; flame away.

Showing 30 responses by sirspeedy70680e509

BTW--I forgot to mention that the picture of the two "Spartan Looking" Colibris was a thing of beauty,to me!!
Some very interesting thoughts,here.I'm continually fascinated by the wonderful insight,of so many.To take a differing view,just to add some food for thought,I believe that some of the more well heeled audio buffs would be better served by ascribing to a particular SOUND,they may like.Assuming you have made an effort to hear a wide variety of really good systems,in other people's homes.This may be hard,yet you will definitely learn ALOT about your own set-up.Maybe even change perceptions,as to the performance envelopes,like those expressed in these interesting cartridge "OPINIONS"!!

My point being,that once we have experienced enough truly great stuff,the exercise/gap,of trial and error(you save some good bucks,too)is reduced,and you can actually have a shot at being satisfied with what you already own,WITHOUT rationalization.While still holding on to the feeling that your component ownership is STILL,at least,"nearly SOTA"(which is the most any of us is likely to get,if we are lucky).Which it SHOULD be(and why not?),with some good knowledge.If afflicted with this hobby,this level of satisfaction is "HAD",once a few criteria are obtained.

#1-You know what really good music "reproduction" is(alot of us don't.SORRY!).POTENTIAL EXAMPLE:"A shitload of bass drivers,in a one box speaker set-up has made the designer alot of money,but the hobbyist better be a GREAT set-up man,cause the seller has made his dough!!This doesn't mean I think it's impossible,but it's darn hard!Whew,I got off the hook on that one.

#2-You really want some FINALITY(alot,once again,don't),and the magazines LOVE you,for it.

#3-You have gained enough insight(having a really good ear doesn't hurt)to "KNOW" you have the ability to seperate your LUST,for new stuff,and use your LOGIC(once again,alot of us don't.Really sorry,here!!).Having a very good "AUDIO FRIEND BASE" is INVALUABLE,here!!

#4-You have finally realized that turning over alot of stuff,often,is NOT going to get you great sound.It WILL,in some cases, get you a new wife!

I am in AWE of the TOO FEW,but they do exist,audiophile/music lovers who have demonstrated to me,on a regular basis,the ability to stay fixed on an ascribed "SOUND".These are the most compelling set-ups I've had the pleasure of hearing!BTW-their wise owners CAN afford frequent component turnover.They are as Rare as the "Lord God Bird"!You,also,ALWAYS come home later(from a listening session,on them)than you told your wife you would.

Surely the latest doo-dad is a hot topic,but tomorrow it will be "Ancient History".Maybe it IS good enough to find a fairly longtime place in a great set-up.Maybe not.The "really" well thought out system will be almost,sort of,"heirloomish"!! The component interaction is just SO right,that you no longer care about the "BEST" anymore.We have gained enough experience to finally identify,and obtain "THAT CERTAIN SOUND",we have been chasing.It DOES exist, for some I have come to know.Maybe this sounds silly,but think about it.This is something to really get excited about!!

I hope I made some kind of sense,here!

Best to all!!
George,I thought the speaker system (main speakers,super tweets,and sub)was capable of stunning full range sound(as a matter of fact the overall speaker configuration,a gorgeous and unique one of a kind type, is one that seems to be in the "heirloom" category).My GOD,I forgot how "ARTSY" and "STUNNING",these things were.The overall system is in really good hands.--------------------------------------------------------Though to me,the frequency extremes were better when the anti skate was correctly set(in this case the downforce was in the area of 2.15 grams,with the set-up person,a competing manufacturer,with a fine,and deserved reputation,on his OWN stuff,setting the anti skate to,at least 3.5 grams(by ear)!!To me,this flattened the soundstage(somewhat),and did not allow for proper depth,and timbre to develope,on orchestral music.Yet it was fine on pop.There was more dynamic impact,and "swing" too,at the original manufacturer's setting(to me).For crying out loud,if the arm can differentiate to the 1/2 pinhead in fluid,what do you suppose such a "chasm" in antiskate is gonna' do(I hope I don't get a lecture about different anti skate forces,at diff points on the LP,as some kind of defense).Especially with a cartridge like the INIV.Let's hear what the cartridge can REALLY do!!Yet if you have been living with the previous setting for long,I could easily see where it would be easy to feel that it IS smoother,and richer,when it was simply glossing over resonant "life".Leaving the "off" setting would sort of indicate that the arm was not a fully developed,and inaccurate design,which it ain't.I think the system "owner" is too "cunning" to leave this a question mark,for too long.Especially as to the fact that it will be a superb two arm set-up.Though a slight revoicing in possible vta,downforce,and fluid would probably take a few listening sessions,to sort out,and it WILL be a Royal Pain,but worth it,IMO.However the "off" setting,which may have been set to smooth out some minor room anomolies(slightly bright,yet not a big factor,surprisingly)could easily fool one into complacency,if not really familiar with playing alot of familiar complex orchestral material.And this wonderful guy does have a really nice record collection!It is complex orchestral material,played at fairly high volume levels, that my friends(and I trust them)feel will tell you if the arm/cartridge is set "Right"!If not right,then little things like the volume of air,blowing through a flute,or a triangle's sweet "ting",and linger, are heard,but "simply there".When it is "dead on" these things have that magical ambience,and roundness,as well as a "dynamic action" that is "almost" heard in life.Simple ensembles are far too easy to reproduce,and they demand less of a really great cartridge,----------------------------------like the Universe!!
Fella's,I really could care less about "The World's Best",which never lasts long anyway!I think my best interests(I simply would be amazed if ANYONE took my listening comments as anything other than a "hobbyist" opinion)would be served by simply,and logically seeing if what I hear,on program material I know,is reproduced convincingly!That would tell me all I need to know.

As far as Salvatore goes,though I love the guy,he is dead wrong(to me,and my listening friends)on so many of his LP preferences(EX_The Prince Of The Pagodas,he far prefers the Dutch pressing to the English.I have both,as do my pals.The British pressing obliterates the Dutch,and I trust Sid Marks' opinion,a friend,over Arthur,any time.Sorry!!!)that I can only conclude his system is voiced in a polar opposite to me.

As far as a cartridge shootout goes,with me bringing mine anywhere,though I'm happy to get together with some really decent and wonderful folks,like many here,I'm such a fanatic about anyone else touching my stuff,that I'd be considered "Too nuts to associate with",if that came to be.I'll quit as of now,with some poster's maybe liking me,a little(I think)!!

I have finished having an extensive listening of the UNIVERSE,as of now,over a six hour listening session,with two WONDERFUL fellow hobbyists.It was CLEARLY obvious to me that the system is going to be ABSOLUTELY SOTA,with a bit more "FOTZING" around(I really do feel sorry for the owner's back),though I was left with the initial impression that it will be "Scary Good",at a future point.This owner has a superb "FEEL" for what he is doing,and a really good(and decent friend,as well as a really nice person)helping of a second set of good ears.

Truthfully nothing I heard left me thinking the UNIV was anything less than a FABULOUS design,as inner detailings and extremely subtle detail was SO obvious to hear.Also,with every little tweak/change(EX-comparing clamps,different motors,diff amps,etc)there was a significant diff in perspective,and tonal shift.I would have NO problem owning one,so,to me,the argument IS OVER!!

I did have one BIG problem(reinforcing my previous response to a 2.2 criticism,but not my wrongful "POST's tone).To me,the original set up of the Graham 2.2,used in the system,was apparently viewed,by all listeners,as correctly done,by a highly regarded industry person.That surely IS the case,but again,to ME ONLY,his set-up of the 2.2 left a GLARING error in the anti skate.I heard it both ways,and far preferred to have the ORIGINAL MANUFACTURER'S set up abided by.With a revoicing done to the way that arm was DESIGNED.This is common sense,yet the original set-up man has apparently such an "aura" that the anti skate setting was not voiced to where it REALLY should be.I've tested it,and the orig designer knows his product,and it IS accurate,to a far greater point to where it was set,here!!Sorry!

SO,now that I've got myself in some trouble,for exposing myself,I'll let you in on the REALLY important outcome,to me.Even with a setting I KNOW to be off,the UNIV was simply AMAZING.This in a set-up not yet finished,and in a setting that is NOT correct(sorry),for maximum performance from the 2.2.To me,this tells me two things.Firstly the UNIV is a friggin good design,and secondly,I have a sneaky suspicion the owner will "snap out of his hypnotic aura" of the original set-up person,and begin to realize the true,and apparently hidden potential,of the 2.2.An arm which will be,most likely(MAYBE), bettered in this,two arm,set-up soon,anyway.(????)!!We'll see.I think the owner is far too smart,to NOT go more hands on, and question this parameter.

Best regards to all!!
Doug,to me with the antiskate set as Graham wants it,that's all you need to do,and it IS accurate.Case closed!!I've checked it,with correct diagnostic equipment.The arm/cart. sounded Ok in the other setting,yet to me, it was as clear as a bell that if set correctly,from day one,the arm/cart. would have been voiced much more accurately.It would have been awkward for me to get too pushy about this,at the time,since I was not a close friend.That's the problem,sometimes,when you let other people set up stuff that they "really don't know" as well as they think.This is why I'm adamant about learning about,and setting up my own stuff.Even if it takes me a long time to understand.
Actually I was in error for stating-"Extensive".I take that word back.OK-Raul?

Doug,I tried NOT to mention,or hint at the owner of the system,I heard.Also,I never made comments about a "Squashed sound",with the A.S., as the original set-up man so wrongfully voiced the arm.Yet,I've made a ton of really dumb set-up mistakes,that my friends have pointed out,so it's a natural transgression,and human.Also,I never stated the highs were rolled,only that it was obvious,to me,that with the correct setting,it could be voiced to a MUCH better standard.

BTW--I've made buying decisions in alot less than a 6 hour listen.I hope that you,Raul,don't break the dealer's chops,with too long a time auditioning.They have to attend to other customers too.Maybe I can process musical info faster than you.AND I believe that if I were to hear your fine set-up,your elbow would be jabbing me,with a "so what do you think",in maybe 15 minutes.Right??
Hi!!I'm sorry for not getting back to you fellas.I,actually,spent eleven hrs(SAT and SUN)listening to my beloved music.It's alot more fun than arguing!Anyone agree?
Frank,I am still amazed that you seem so distraught by my posting,of anything,for that matter.This must surely be an "ego" thing,as I made it my business NOT to mention ANY names.Besides,I'm merely a "hobbyist schlep",in reality.Why take any of this to this silly degree?

Besides,what have I stated(specifically in the posts,pertaining to my fun session,at Larry)that is meant to be "demeaning",and "disrespectful"?You have to be kidding me!Right?

How many times in these specific posts did I state my actual intentions(a "fun" read,hopefully)?Have you actually followed my real intent?You should be above this,and secure enough to laugh this,all off!I'm sort of surprised that you mention my apparent "disrespect"(again,NO names were intentionally stated),and that I appear to be "demeaning".I'm sorry to inform you that I havn't got a clue,as to German grammatical intent!!Sorry!

All I'm guilty of is HUMOROUSLY pushing a few buttons.I NEVER would have pushed any boundaries,I felt was disrespectful to Larry,and felt he was quite secure enough to deal with any scepticism on my part.Besides I LOVED his system,overall.Listening sessions,at my friends' homes are WAY more carnivorous than any post,I've ever made,and some of them really are "audio celebrity",yet not so thin skinned!I've learned from the best.Which doesn't make me "anything" other than a fortunate hobbyist,btw!

Also,last year,about this time,I believe I read what was truly a "disrespectful" post,but that's ancient history.If I have to walk on eggshells,with every post,and can't have some fun,I'll exclude myself from this forum,in a "N.Y. minute"!!

Please lighten up,and I do wish you the best,and believe all that has been stated about you,and your products!
Frank,I am simply amazed that you feel the need to comment on such an inocuous post,by me.I made it my business to NOT mention any names,and now both you and Doug have let the cat out of the bag.Though this is probably no problem.

Also,a good bit of my post was simply to light a fire under Larry,to be more open to playing with the arm voicing,since the anti skate was off,and even though Larry and Pat(a great set of ears,btw)preferred the orig set-up,I was SURE it could be bettered.There is NO way "THAT" antiskate setting is "RIGHT"!

Now we both know how critical(in a good way)Larry is,but with the NEW BABY coming in march,and with him claiming he was never happy with the ultimate performance from the 2.2,as well as Doug claiming he has heard problems with the 2.2,and he gave the impression of being firm on "that's how it must sound",I simply(with tongue in cheek,and you should have realised this)wanted to stir the pot.

I NEVER thought of the concept,of you setting up anything intentionally wrong,even though just eyeballing the 2.2 for two seconds told me it was wrong.I simply figured you set it up,this way,as I was told you "have the best ears in the hobby",and you set it by ear(as Larry told me).

Please don't be so damn paranoid.You know I like you and your products,but you don't REALLY know the real me,and I would NEVER have considered any voicing was done on purpose.As always,I was fishing,a bit,but as I have NUMEROUS friends who claim they ALSO know "the best ears on the planet",I was sort of poking fun at the set-up person for the 2.2(which as I understood it,was you,and you SHOULD have checked the darn anti skate,AUTOMATICALLY,anyway!!!).

None of this is a problem,though as I have accomplished my objective,of shedding some light,so when the new baby comes we can have a fair comparison.

Best regards,and I hope I don't get pidgeonholed as some kind of 2.2 defender(I am enthused with a ton of stuff,really).
Doug,in case my previous post does not see the light of day,I wanted your dad to know that I was told the "critical fluid level" was NOT optimized until AFTER the "seven man,three arm" audio party!So,we are left knowing the A.S. was way off,as well as the fluid,yet this is OK!!What can I say?Peace to all,I guess!
BTW-as stated previously,yet NOT posted--I accept your offer to duel!I'll meet you Saturday eve,in Cos Cobb,at a local lobster house.You can choose from either seventeenth century flintlock pistols,or sixteenth century Samuri sword.I'm well versed in both(just kidding,but I DO have a "plastic sword scar",given to me when my son was six.Really!!)In the unlikely event you should "do me in",Doug,my wife has been instructed to fork over,to you,the revered Koetsu Coral Stone!!--"What say ye"????

PS--your father cannot substitute for you,though he probably has a "much better set of ears,than both of us"!

Nrchy,The "late" Herb Papier made me a device that allowed for proper set-up.I stand by my comments.The seven man "show" we've heard about for the last year,was skewed towards the other two wonderful arms.Yet,the 2.2 was WAY off.Anyone having owned a 2.2 would understand the variance in performance that an almost two gram shift in A.S. exactitude could/does bring.That IS how it was.Sorry!Yet you DO have great stuff,and a nice "bike",too!

Best to all.
Well,you'll be happy to know that I'm about played out,on this subject.That being said,I simply DON'T believe the original comparisons were accurate!Of course any parties benefiting from the skewed findings are free to disagree.This does not mean,in any way,that the products are/were not SUPERB,in their own right.Or,that the parties,at hand,cannot set up their stuff,correctly(and I really doubt if Larry set the 2.2 incorrectly).It simply means that you cannot set up MY stuff.Though I doubt that should bother any of the "experts" at hand.
I think my "posting mentality" has worn out my welcome.In looking back at my threads, my intent was to be "sort of" the opposite of my rather conservative lifestyle.I was trying(unsuccessfully)to be "provocative",NOT downright nasty!!I thought it could be more "heated fun" than the "boiler plate" questions,and answers we see so much of.I was wrong to assume that.I'm not happy with myself, that so many view me this way,but am not going to avoid that obvious fact.To me,it seems that posting in the fashion I did,was sort of like an addction.To drive some controversy!I guess it was only me,who got a rise out of it,and I do understand any,and all sentiments.I'll handle this like it should be dealt with,and not post anymore.Probably best for all.
Larry,I'm still a nice guy!Though at your behest,I'll give it a break.

Btw-I really don't see where I was actually rude or abrasive,in these posts,as you claim.Maybe that is perceived by some,who I addressed,but I can't control that.Loyalyies usually tend to fall with those more closely associated with oneanother.

Best to all.
Doug,you mean optimized with your aid?You own a Tri,and you feel confident you can be astute about the fine details of the fluid?I rest my case!!BTW-and I do understand how you can feel you knew what you were up against with the fluid,so I'm really not trying to be smug,but--there's fluid adjustment,and there's fluid adjustment(which MUST be done,in conjunction with vta and downforce,and anyone stating the contrary makes my argument).In your case,you can safely forget about the latter!!Also,it was the "owner" who stated he and Pat(one of the only guys who's opinion I'll take on his word,alone)had done the "super fine detail" of fluid,after my post,which was AFTER your session.Please stop stroking me with the expertise crap,when you simply cannot get around a bogus comparison,which had the victors "coming in their pants".Ain't buying it!!

Also-as I'm cleaning the weaponage,have you made your choice? :-)

Best to all.
Doug,if the silver coiled UNIV is not a top performer,and significantly bettered by the copper coiled one,I wonder why it is sold,especially at these prices.Though,in this hobby,nothing really surprises me anymore.

Mike,I don't understand why you would have expected any vehement responses to your post.Unless the responder was totally self absorbed,and cannot realize the effort you have made to educate some of us.I reiterate "SOME" of us,as it's human nature to rationalise observations not to our likings.

The loading issue is STILL a "Big Deal" though,yet your post's "Read" was,to me,more enjoyable than ANY recent cartridge survey,in any audio journal.That being said,I think you will be able to handle any "Flame" comments.Like I've stated,in the past,if you've taken a look around at "US" audiophiles,at hi fi shows,we don't seem to be too intimidating.More nerdly,but nice!

Now for the real WEAK LINK in your comments----A weakness SO overwhelming that even you, Mike,will not be able to defend this.This,of course,will keep all of "US" from obtaining audio nirvana.It is--------------------The indisputable fact that none of the cartridges mentioned,and compared had body materials,or parts,made of "Something Petrified"!"Something From another Galaxy"!"Something that NO other cartridge maker can obtain,which adds that MUST HAVE cache to a product"!They were all too plebian!Simply great performers,which isn't enough,to SO many of the "Clueless" horde!

BTW-I know of a new SOTA design coming,which will feature "Fossilized Cracker Jacks" as a body material!You will also get a prize,in every box.Can't wait to hear about that one!!
I would like to clear up the fact that I'm not "hitching my wagon" to the ZYX UNIV,or any design,for that matter.My attitude hasn't changed,in that I believe there are quite a few great cartridges(as well as any other component)out there.So don't anyone add me to any list of overhyping anything.Yet I NEVER rationalize to myself,and it seems to be SOTA,like a couple of the other "greats".What's wrong with admitting to that.I heard what I heard,and even though the set-up is still in transition,the UNIV's qualities stood out.

My recent experience was a "telling" one,where it was obvious to me that the UNIV IS a superb performer.I don't want to be included in any "Biased" camp,towards any design.I still have NO clue whether the UNIV can better my Temper-v,and really don't care.They are both superb,as are Koetsus,Titans,Colibris,XV-1s etc.

Even though I was treated in a supremely cordial way,during my listening session,I'm NOT over-exagerating(did I spell that right,Pat?)my opinion,and it may have helped that as you sat there listening to such cute "big boy toys",you are viewing people waterskiing,about a hundred yards away!!Though the listening chair that I was afforded was SO comfortable,that My "ass" kept talking about it,during the LONG ride home!!
BTW-Raul,why are you trying to be so mean spirited?You made a nasty remark about "liquor",which is insulting,as I only mention wine as a humorous aspect of listening.You,also,have thanked me in the past,for being supportive of you.Now you seem to want to pick an argument,over my use of the word "extensive",and that I heard a "FABULOUS" set-up,that employed the UNIVERSE.BTW- the overall set-up was SO impressive that this was one reason I spent 11 hrs,this weekend,listening.I wanted to see if I could voice "certain aspects" of my own system to "some" of what I liked about "that" set-up.What is your problem?What have I quit on?Do you think I really care about this sillyness??Maybe you want me to join the "let's pick on Raul club"!!

You know I've always liked you,for your passion,and over the top,yet well meaning,critiques,but you are going too far with OVER-READING my post's intentions.

MY ONLY purpose of reporting the listening session(I was visiting relatives,near this nice "owner's house") I had, was for "mere" entertainment value.As, in a "FUN" read!!I'm sorry I mentioned any of it,since it seems to upset you.I don't take myself as seriously as you may think,and don't expect ANYONE to be so naieve to actually buy something,because I liked it.

Also,the UNIV was loaded correctly,and the supporting equipment was superbly well matched(well I wasn't wild about the Lectron amp heh,heh,but the new Bernings were fabulous.DOUG--stop worrying about the A.S. issue.You're off the hook).This all played a part,yet the UNIV was obviously a superb performer.Also,I realised this in about 10 minutes,so you can complain about that time frame,as well,but I heard what I heard!!Also,I'm completely aware of the fine qualities all the leading cartridges possess,but don't care,as I never approached any of this as a cartridge shootout.Perhaps you can offer an extensive comparison,of your "cartridge stable".I'm sure we all would love to read about it.As for me,I'm done.REALLY!

Best to all!
I have just read Arthur Salvatore's "swooning synopsis" of the ZYX Airy III cartridge(he claims it to be the best he's heard,and clearly mentions "Doug's" comments on the other fabs design)with a yawn.Why,because I have been lucky enough to finally hear the flagship Universe.The truth is,that I have been able to detect,and EASILY,it's superiority of performance,in GENERAL, though NOT compared to other top performers.This ALL clearly heard in a system where the arm was CLEARLY set up(originally,and then tweaked)in an "almost" INEPT fashion(go ahead,hit me)bordering on the "CLUELESS",as I had suspected some months ago.To be off in anti-skate,by SO much margin,is inexcusable,and NO amount of rationalization can detract from that.Though the owners of the other two arms will,no doubt,exclaim I'm pissed off or too rapped up in the "far from perfect" 2.2!And,far from perfect it was/is!Yet it is still superior,in every way,to the Triplanar(I've owned that arm),and NOW I have my reservations as to the real superiority of the "OTHER" arm.Though the main system was fabulous,with a capital "F"!!

All in all,this tells me that the UNIV is a wonderful design,and that the 7 man listening session was,and is KAPUT!!Any comments about the three arm comparison can only be taken as "laughable",IMO(which I'm happy to stand by,BTW)!!I STILL love you guys,but I am compelled to "tell it like it is"!Or as in the case of the NOW "supremely defunct" 7 man listening session as it "WAS"!!

Best to all!!
BTW-Doug(or anyother interested party)--I was told the "critical voicing" of the 2.2 fluid was done AFTER your little seven man session.So we have the anti skate AND the fluid NOT optimized on the Graham,at that event.Can you ALL get together and maybe do a correct comparison?Inquiring minds want to know!!I'm not holding my breath,yet to answer the teres question,to me,I didn't have to be there,with what I now know.

Also,the synergy of the Tranny/2.2 may be fine,yet the synergy of that arm with many other fine cartridges would be OK,--should someone actually know how to set it up!!BTW-I assume the Phantom would outperform the 2.2,but I still like the arm from the Rhineland,only I'd have to order one under a friend's name,or risk the mfgr walking around with the "armtube in his underwear" for a day,before final assembly,for me!

Doug,we should meet Saturday eve,around eight,at a local lobster house,in Cos Cobb,for the proverbial "DUEL" you seem to SO need!You may have your choice of either eighteenth century flintlock pistols,or seventeenth century Samuri sword.I'm well versed in both.All originals,of course.Should you be nible enough to "do me in" my better half has been instructed to "fork over" my new Koetsu Coral Stone,as your "just reward"!BTW-your dad cannot stand in for you!!

Oh yeah,What's with the "SPEEDYMAN" comment?The only people who have called me that(alot)are the women I've been intimate with! :-)
Teres,you have a nice table,btw.--As to set up of the 2.2,it could not possibly have been correct,even discounting the anti skate issue,as I was told that the "critical fluid adjustments" were done "after" the seven man session.Sorry!Besides,the illustrious Mr Deacon's comments,regarding perceived performance clearly tell me it was NOT set-up correctly.Also,I heard it(it was still "fairly" good,btw),and I'm confident Larry knows what he's doing,at this point,yet I'll bet that arm was set up by committee.BTW--I TRULY don't care about these results,but I'm not about to give an inch to what I know to be incorrect input,over the last year.
I assure you the only reason I'm so insistant about all of this is--Larry,himself stated that though he "loved" his 2.2 he was never really all that satisfied with the performance.I want to push him to "play around with it a bit more".There's more "there" there!!For sure!!Though,at this point I'm fairly confident he's given me "the boot",thinking I'm a "kook".Can't say I blame the guy.--Also it seems clear to me that guys like Doug are off base regards the correct performance of the 2.2,pain in the ass,that it is.Of course Doug does like to correspond with Arthur S.He(Arthur),who does not, in the least bit, question "educated perceptions".Right?

Obviously,all involved in the listening session who benefited or were "happy" with the "let's say incomplete" results don't like this,too much.I completely understand,and promise I'm done "spouting" about it anymore.I'm sure everyone's thrilled!

BTW--ALL pictures,as of late look really cool with the nice Shroeder,atop your lovely looking table.
Very good points,by Thomas and Raul.To me,this shows superb understanding of "things analog".Things I will never stop trying to "squeeze" a bit more understanding of.

The Transfiguration Temper -V lists,in the U.S. for 3800 dollars.So,I think it is a bit less than the Dynavector.That is not really my point,though.My point is that ANY cartridge should be able to be found at a good sized discount,and new.The list prices,from my own experience,are like those on jewelry items.If you are "even somewhere in the price ballpark",there should be a reputable dealer "somewhere",who will let it go,for your price.

Last year I upgraded my Transfig. Temper to the Temper-V,which cost me 1100 dollars(list 3800 dollars,and I know it was considered an upgrade/trade in).I know it was the same manufacturer,but it was a different dealer.If he could sell me the cartridge for so much less than list,obviously the manufacturer has a HUGE markup in the list.They still make money on the 1100 dollars.I've seen this with MANY popular high end cartridges,virtually ALL of the top contenders,that my friends have bought.Even the Koetsu Coral Stone.Actually you could look at it as though there are actually so few designs sold that to make any profit,the mfgrs must inflate the list.I understand this,yet like the price of gasoline,these days,I'll seek out a reasonable price,if it helps me.BTW-I've spent list prices,on some components where I saw no margin of overprofit.Cartridges,like cabling,do not fall into that category!!

While on the subject--I cannot understand why the Temper-V(Yes,the LOW output one)gets so little comparative praise.I know it is well regarded,yet it really is "WORLD CLASS",in virtually any category!!

BTW--I'm 22 hours away from hearing the ZYX UNIVERSE,on a superb system.Stay tuned!!
Frank,I'm going to give you the high ground.OK?But,please spare me the lecture on my overlooking any compliments.I was completely(though still perplexed) aware of your total message,yet you are quite accomplished at the "little wordplay",which can easily come across as smug :-),and not always innocent!BTW-I always have a smile,when posting.What's with the "shadow and lightsource" bit,anyway?OK,I know you are a smart guy!Maybe I should enroll GMORRIS to speak for me.He's really got a vocabulary that could end this "sillyness"!!

In reality,I was CLEARLY "poking in fun"(and what's the big deal, anyway?)at the set-up person in the "7 man listening session",of some time ago.We all have been hearing about this comparative session for QUITE some time,with the Wheaton and your arm coming out on top.Yet it would have been "a good thing" for the 2.2 to have been maxed out,as I'm sure your arm was.So,as my pals "love" to give it to me in the ribs,often,I was innocently digging "whatever" person set up the Graham.This does not mean it MUST be changed because I mention this,as it is not my call,and I clearly don't carry your weight(especially as I am a competitive tennis player,where weight = slow to cover shots).

Yet though my intent was not to incite,and be humorous,your response to me must appear as somewhat less so,when you claim that you "knew I'd overlook the positive comment".I wonder if I should feel dissed!No matter:-)!It's all in good fun(really,I hope!)anyway.

BTW-though it may seem as though I'm a bit miffed,it's only the internet me.In reality I know you are a "good man",as it came from a "very good" mutual source.

I DO have utmost respect for you,and wish you the best.BTW- you do have a nice little way with "waxing poetic"."Dinners,and desserts.Shadows and light",whew!!Wish I could do that!Really.

Mike,having now re-read your compelling observations,I'd like to make a point or two,not that this is any surprise,if you've come to know me.

Firstly,thank GOD you were honest,and didn't write a "Suck-UP" thread.As an example,check out the most recent Cartridge comparison,on Pos Feedback!!I guess the reviewer wants to keep the doors open.

Secondly,you did mention this,so I know you are aware of it,yet the cartridge loading issue can completely turn around your observations regarding your "SO-SO" comments regarding the ZYX Universe.I have not heard one,though I should hear one soon,like in a week.Actually you did mention you thought it was superb,yet after such "over the top" accolades the Univ. has gotten in web forums,I expected a better result from you.Thanks for your honesty,at least.

Thirdly,and this is sort of a question.I love the extra customer service offered by Van den Hul,and have always been fascinated by his designs,and experience,yet have heard that they are(makes no sense to me,actually)unreliable.Can you speak to this,at some future point?

Lastly(as my wife is nagging at me to get off the computer),in reality,as we all know,there is really no best of anything.I,personally,love a ton of audio components,in different categories.I could probably put together a dozen differing systems(solid state,or tubed)that I could love.Cartridges clearly fit into this category,yet since they are so small(NO hernia,here),and DO impact the character of a system,it is really fun to play around,before settling in to just one,or six(as so many of you do).

Best regards!
Wow,an 18 gram cartridge.Now that WOULD cause me to move away from my "Puny" 2.2,and consider an arm more meaty.Possibly the Herculean looking Phantom,or a beefy wooden Schroeder,or maybe something along the lines of the "NEW" Dynavector 507(which looks SO damn cute!!).Raul,you've got to get your hands on a 507!!Actually,after seeing a recent picture of the staggeringly GORGEOUS Koetsu Coral,I wish I had the extra bucks to "play around",like some.I guess the 40 bucks I found today(really!) wont help!!Though,I doubt if my old Infinity Black Widow could have handled that kind of weight.Anyone old enough to remember the Infinity?Looked AMAZING on my old,but not forgotten,Kenwood KD-500!!Ah,the old days!!When a man was a man.And a cartridge was,well,err,maybe three or four hundred bucks,at most.Yet the price of gas was only 23 cents a gallon.Am I a dinosaur,or what?Perhaps my teeth could serve as a good cartridge body material?
Raul,so I guess that when you sent me those E-mails,last summer,inviting me,and my wife to hear your set-up,and then "go to the sea",it would NOT have been a "party"!Also,I guess that after hearing your set-up,for around six hours,you would NOT have wanted a favorable response,from me,even though you deserved it!Would you have chastised me,if after my wife actually dragged me out of your listening room(for only spending a mere six hours listening,when she was promised some Margaritas and a beach experience)had I been complimentary of, your set-up's sound?Do you mean to tell me that had I actually flown to Mexico,and stayed at your home,you would not have been flattered ,or expecting of a favorable response,on your "life's hobby work",and that I could NOT have been aware of the apparent quality of the set-up's sound,in "LIKE,MAYBE" ten minutes,with good program material!I think it was John McEnroe who always stated to the umpires my sentiments,here."YOU CANNOT BE SERIOUS"!!!

Raul,you know I enjoy your dedication,and correspondence,but please do something,here,that you don't do alot--"Quit while you are ahead"!!
BTW-Doug,Raul,etc--Let's get off the topic,as I don't want to make this thread about my personal opinion,and observations,regarding my little audio "party"!.They,in reality,mean NOTHING!BTW-Doug,you,and the other fellow hobbyists DID hear the "Off"("OFF" as compared to the Graham preference,which is correct,and if you all liked it better,then that's OK with me,but I'd be willing to bet that it was never A/B'd,at that "party")setting.As I understood it,a "sort of celebrity" set-up person(and I'm sure a very nice,and capable person.I'm not trying to be smug) voiced it to his taste,and I doubt if I'd have objected to it, at the time,especially with so many people in attendance.This may still be the preference of the system owner,and it's HIS system,which will undergo a new arm soon,anyway,as I'm sure you know.That being the case,I have my own opinion,which is that the arm/cart was simply not set up to the max!If I didn't own it,and set up about three or four others,I'd have no opinion on the matter.To me,this is all "really good",as "analog" is a hands on learning process,which requires some fotzing around.Only you,or me,should ALWAYS rely on ourselves,not a dealer or mfgr(not that they don't have good intentions)to do the grunt work.I'm going to drop all of this as of now,anyway.I can hear the applause,in central Jersey!!

This thread was started by Mike L.,for the purpose of informing us about his observations.He must have spent a load of time,simply keyboarding the info. for our enjoyment.Obviously these things can take on a life of their own,but to me,we've "shot our load" on the subject.
I WAS told the A.S. setting was NOT touched since that fateful session took place.AND, LARRY knows what he's doing,so I must assume he was told/influenced by another party,of which I suspect three people.Big deal!!So I'm creating some "needed" controversey,yet It's really honesty on trial,here,and the need to see someone own up for an error.As for your remark(teres)about"the differences we heard were far greater than what could be accounted for even fairly major setup errors",and"silly to claim that because a tonearm has not been precisely setup that a comparison is laughable" tells me all I need to know about your approach to music reproduction.But thanks anyway.BTW-are you the actual TERES table mfgr?

What is with all the defensiveness anyway?Why can't any of you big shots simply,and logically state that if in fact there was a setup error,of this type(BTW-try making an adjustment of almost two grams "off" in any of your arms,and then report back as to the variance in perceived sound)it probably would have swayed the findings.What is the big friggin' deal, outside of the dumb "ego" thing,anyway?Nobody broke any laws.I read,all the time about honesty in the hobby,yet when I mention what I saw,was told,and heard it comes off as though I'm trying to trash someone, or product.NOT TRUE!!Amazing,to me!!I'm starting to get a HUGE impression that MUCH of this "supposedly hobbyist oriented" forum correspondence IS really just marketing for some favored mfgrs!Hobbyists,SO liking their stuff,that the ass kissing doesn't stop,until a NEW component takes it's place.I see this ALL the time,and sort of understand it.Nice guys that I'm sure they are,in many cases.

Best to all!