Zerostat Milty really?

Ok. So I have massive amounts of static at times when playing vinyl. So much so that it can pull my arm from my table (Thorens TD-124) onto the platter when removing the lp. I am worried I will ruin my stylus when it hits. So I bought the Zerostat and have been using it according to the instructions and the static is still out of control. Is this thing for real or what? Am I doing something wrong? Please help. 
Do you know how to use the Xerostat?  If you are not using it correctly, it won't work at all.  There are detailed descriptions of its proper use in these archives or on Vinyl Asylum, or elsewhere on the internet.  It would be a good idea to read those, even if you think you know what you are doing.

Also, as others have hinted, a lot of static is created by "us", based on what we are wearing on our feet, how we approach the turntable over what kind of floor covering, etc.  By that mechanism, even using the Xerostat correctly does not cure the problem, because the work of the Xerostat is undone by wool carpets, leather-soled shoes, touching the wrong thing, all in the process of changing or removing an LP from the platter.  But, I have to say, static charge that has the force to pull your tonearm presumably off its rest and onto/into the platter surface is something I have never seen or heard of before.  I am guessing you own one of those early TD124s with the iron platter.  (In which case, the attraction between the magnet assembly in your cartridge and the iron platter may be at least part of your problem.)
@fromunda I use a Milty Zerostat every time I play a record after the Discwasher brush which is treated on the leading edge only with Discwasher D4+ fluid. I’ve found it very effective in neutralizing static charges that used to cause ticks and pops. My environment is 22 •C with between 30% and 40% RH, and a Technics SL-1700mk2 with original 6mm rubber platter mat, so I have pretty much ideal conditions to begin with. One reason you might be experiencing no results is the Zerostat test plug might still be attached to the business end of the Zerostat when you are using it. The test plug is only to confirm that the piezoelectric element is producing electrical charges, and must be removed before attempting to neutralize static on a record. By the way, it will neutralize static charges on any object, including the platter and dustcover. 
Purchase a humidifier. Your air is too dry. BTW, I just saw a video about an anti-static device that sits next to your TT and has a swing-over arm that hangs over your record and emits anti-static ju-ju to zap static.
Can’t remember where I saw video, probably RMAF show on YouTube. Also, Zerostat used to be 10 times more powerful (in the '70s) But parents got worried about causing genetic damage to their children so Zerostat changed the product to its current, pathetic (IMO) form.
In addition to addressing the environmental issues mentioned above, it is helpful to have a record brush grounded to a nearby electrical outlet. You can either make one yourself (brush with metal handle and attached wire to nearby outlet) or buy one such as that sold by Mapleshade. I bought one after rigging one up myself to be sure it would help. Works for me. Just use it in every record side before and after playback. Hope this helps.
I have hardwood floors through out the house. Tride the Acoustec brush years ago to no avail. 
I had bad static issues as well in my past home in NY. Carpet throughout. The Zerostat Milty did nothing for the static issue. I ended up with an Acoustech Big Record brush. That got rid of the static. Funny thing is, I just bought it for a record brush not knowing it would take care of static issues. 
I was never fond of the Milty. It is WAY overpriced to boot. My Mapleshade static gun bit the dust not long ago. They no longer sell it the last time I checked and there doesn’t seem to be many options for that type of gun out there. I suspect you have some issues in your listening environment that should be addressed to help with static. On issue is the humidity level that is a factor with static. I’ve never personally had that problem so I cannot recommend. There are several threads here that others have made suggestions regarding humidity if you care to search them out. If your room is carpeted, don’t wear tennis shoes when changing lps. There is a product called Static Guard (an aerosol spray) that some use to good effect.

More expensive options... Ultrasonic cleaning and air drying.....Furutech Destat 3

I suspect your have environmental issues that probably need to be addressed before spending big bucks on other items.
I don't know if this little gizmo is still available or not but when I had a turntable I had this contraption that looked lie a tone arm but it had fibres that tracked the record and it had an earth grounding wire also and it was earthed to your amp. to control static. I have to say that it worked great but again I don't know if it is still available as this was in the eighties and  nineties.