So, a good SET with matching high sensitive speakers will be a huge step over any vintage push-pull amplifier including Dynaco.
@alexberger I suspect your sample size is a bit small to be making that conclusion. For example I think the ST35 is more musical than the ST70. I also think a properly refurbished Citation 2 is one of the better amps from the classic vintage era. I’ve always felt the Mac stuff from back then (my exposure limited to refurbished amps, M30, M240 and M275) to be less articulate but that’s me and entirely anecdotal.
Fisher made some very interesting monoblocks that featured a damping control. A pair of those allow you to compare on older speakers like the Altecs by dialing the damping to be a bit lower, since a Mac or even an ST70 will have an output impedance that is too low to sound right on the classic Altecs. EV had a similar feature on some of their amps too.
@retiredaudioguy You might want to keep an eye on any coupling caps you have that are oil filled. I’ve found over time (we’ve tested a variety of them) that they can often develop a slight amount of electrical leakage across them (IOW not entirely blocking the DC Voltage they are supposed to block, sort of like having a resistance in parallel with the cap) which can throw off the operating point of a power tube! The exception to this is the ODAM parts from VHAudio.