Your best picks for 2006 Best Speakers under 4K.

As we are approaching mid year 2006, maybe we can have a list of the 3 best speakers you've heard for this year. I havent gotten around to listening much, hope to later this year.
So what are your 3 best under 4K?
* Intuitive Design Summits
* Spendor
* Dali
* Fostex F200 single driver design by Bob Brines

Worst speakers:
* I really disliked the Harbeths. Maybe that's why I liked the Spendors :-)
* Sonus Faber Grand Pianos were atrocious.
* No #3, guess I need to get out and audition some more.
I like my Tyler Acoustic Linbrook System 2's. Mine has the 10" SEAS woofer. I have heard quite a few speakers and I do agree they do bring out the detail in the music.